Amrita Center for International Programs is glad to share the Charpak Scholarships program. The program is run by the Embassy of France in India and is named after French physicist and Nobel prize winner Georges Charpak.
This scholarship is designed for one to two years, (September – June, 10 months per academic year) of studies in France at the Master’s degree level for all streams and fields of study.
The Charpak Master Program offers two kinds of scholarships based on merit:
a) Charpak AME Scholarship (Allocation Mensuelle d’Entretien):
Note: Full tuition fee waiver at public universities or partial tuition fee waivers by other institutions, can be granted according to their individual policies
b) Charpak BCS Scholarship (Bourse de Couverture Sociale):
Note: Students going for a long-term Exchange Program ie,1 year should apply for the Charpak Master Scholarship.
Check out the link here for more details and apply
Deadline for Submission of Application: April 15, 2018
Results: Third week of May.
Awardees of the scholarship will be contacted via email or phone call; the results will be put up on here
For Further Information, Please Contact:
Sujatha /Reshmi
Amrita Center for International Programs (link sends e-mail)
(Please use the subject title: Charpak Scholarships 2018)