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Development of Trust Models for Cloud Computing

October 6, 2011 - 12:17
Development of Trust Models for Cloud Computing

Development of Trust Models for Cloud Computing
October 8th 2011

Amrita Cyber Security welcomes the following Distinguished members of DIT Panel:
Shri.A.S.A. Krishnan, DIT.
Shri N. Ramani, NIAS, Bangalore – Chairman.
Shri Sanjay Bahl, CISO Microsoft India.
Dr. B.B. Prahlada Rao, CDAC, Pune. to Amrita campus for a meeting on “Trust Models in Cloud Computing” with a focus on the following areas
* Trust models for cloud computing
* Client authenticated policy enforcement mechanism for the cloud
* Building a Trusted Cloud Platform for the Infrastructure as a Service model
* Privacy preserving processing on the cloud using hybrid techniques

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