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Centres for Antimicrobial Optimisation Network (CAMO-NET) Optimising Antimicrobial Use To Address The Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance

Start Date: June 2024

Principal Investigators: Dr. Sanjeev. K. Singh, Medical Director, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Funded by: Wellcome Trust


India Partners: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh

International Partners:

National hubs: University of Cape Town (South Africa)Medicina Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)Makerere University (Uganda)Imperial College London (UK), and University of Liverpool (UK).

Imperial London
University Liverpool
Makerere University

Technical Support and Development Centres: University of Ghana (Ghana), Kamuzu University (Malawi), and MORU Tropical Health Network (Thailand).

Shadow National Sites: Child Health Research Foundation (Bangladesh), Dow University of Health Sciences (Pakistan), and Universidade Da Paz (Timor-Leste).

Research Area: Antibiotic Resistance, Antimicrobial prescriptions, Health Sciences

Centres for Antimicrobial Optimisation Network (CAMO-NET) Optimising Antimicrobial Use To Address The Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance

CAMO-Net represents the future of equitable global collaboration. As a national hub in India, our objective is to conduct research for optimising antimicrobial use in humans through three interlinked themes identified through a research roadmap and landscape review (medicines management; technology and innovation for optimised prescribing; culture, context, and behaviours). 

This research is underpinned by the values of equity, local leadership, co-production of activities, knowledge mobilisation, mutual cross-regional learning, training, capacity and capabilities strengthening, and output sharing. CAMO-Net’s mission is to complement and enhance the existing ecosystem of global programmes designed to alleviate the global burden and impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and poorly treated infections by creating and nurturing a sustainable and equitable ecosystem for global research to optimise the use of antimicrobials in humans. This will be achieved through producing contextually relevant tools, technologies, guidelines, and practices that can be readily implemented with the support of governments and policymakers. 

Key national challenges to optimising antimicrobial use in human populations

  1. Fragmented, fragile, and disjointed manufacture, supply, procurement, dispensing, and demand systems. 
  2. Concerns regarding the quality and standard of medicines. 
  3. Inadequate utilisation of innovations in technology for diagnostics and decision-making to facilitate evidence-based infection management. 
  4. Inadequate infrastructure to support the use of health and therapeutic data for optimised antimicrobial use. 
  5. A lack of research into the socio-cultural and economic drivers of infection related health-seeking and health-provision behaviours.


Our clear mission and a strong vision for the future will be achieved through four core objectives: 

A comprehensive, contextual understanding of situational data in national hub on the progress of interventions to tackle AMR in human populations to identify opportunities to address existing gaps/challenges, with respect to:  

  • Technology and innovation for optimised prescribing 
  • Context, culture, and behaviour 
  • Medicines management. 

Harnessing the power of data(quantitative and qualitative) through strategic and targeted studies to generate new knowledge related to optimising antimicrobial use in human populations. 

Implementation of co-produced, contextually fit, and sustainable solutions to optimise antimicrobial use targeting innovation, systems and behaviours. 

Evaluation of interventions and strategies targeting optimised antimicrobial use through an intersectional approach. 

Overall scope of activities 

Addressing national research needs regarding supply, medicines quality, the use of data, and behaviours 


  • Investigating supply chain interruptions and shortages across healthcare systems and the role of existing technology in addressing gaps 
  • Integration of novel, responsive, technology solutions for optimised prescribing
  • Enriching data and data linkage opportunities to inform the development of context relevant CDSS and address the gaps on antimicrobial dosing
  • Investigating the socio-cultural drivers for health-seeking and health provision behaviours across healthcare settings in India to develop contextualised solutions to manage the increasing AMR crisis

CAMO-NET team at Amrita hub

Dr. Sanjeev K. Singh,
CAMO NET National Co-Lead
Fabia Edathadathil,
Project Manager
Vrinda Nampoothiri,
Post Doctoral Fellow
Kusum Rani,
Post Doctoral Fellow
Sathyanarayana Reddy Bygari,
Clinical Pharmacist
Aleena Issac,
Senior Research Fellow

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