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Comparison of Anti-microbial Activity of Anti-acne Agents

Start Date: Friday, Jan 01,2010

End Date: Sunday, May 30,2010

School: School of Biotechnology

Thematic Area: Biotech

Project Incharge:Ajith Madhavan
Co-Project Incharge:Amrutha K, Anjali Ajith, Amjuma M Krishnan, Anjali krishnan, Anjali T, Anu Rohit, Arsu Remanan Sreekala
Comparison of Anti-microbial Activity of Anti-acne Agents

Acne vulgaris is a multifactorial disease affecting the pilosebaceous follicle characterized by comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and scars. Microorganism was isolated from facial swabs and the colonies developed on the plates were S.epidermidis. Biochemical tests carried out to confirm theorganism. Various topical agents were screened for efficiency to inhibition through disc and well diffusions. Clidamycin, Himalaya and lime gave positive for antibacterial activity. Among this Clidamycin showed the largest zone of inhibition.

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