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Automated Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmia using Deep learning Techniques

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Procedia Computer Science

Source : Procedia Computer Science, Volume 132, p.1192 - 1201 (2018)

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Keywords : Cardiac arrhythmia, CNN, Deep learning, ECG, GRU, LSTM, RNN

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Computational Engineering and Networking

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2018

Abstract : Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition where heart beat is irregular. The goal of this paper is to apply deep learning techniques in the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia using ECG signals with minimal possible data pre-processing. We employ convolutional neural network (CNN), recurrent structures such as recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) and hybrid of CNN and recurrent structures to automatically detect the abnormality. Unlike the conventional analysis methods, deep learning algorithms don’t have feature extraction based analysis methods. The optimal parameters for deep learning techniques are chosen by conducting various trails of experiments. All trails of experiments are run for 1000 epochs with learning rate in the range [0.01-0.5]. We obtain five-fold cross validation accuracy of 0.834 in distinguishing normal and abnormal (cardiac arrhythmia) ECG with CNN-LSTM. Moreover, the accuracy obtained by other hybrid architectures of deep learning algorithms is comparable to the CNN-LSTM

Cite this Research Publication : S. G, Dr. Soman K. P., and R, V., “Automated Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmia using Deep learning Techniques”, in Procedia Computer Science, 2018, vol. 132, pp. 1192 - 1201.

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