Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing
Source : 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2017), Tamil Nadu, 2017.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2017
Abstract : India's Electricity sector faces many problems but chief among them is the consumer level losses which amount to 30% of the total power loss in India. The most modern way to compensate for the energy loss is identified as the deployment of smart grids. Our aim of the project is to provide the smart grid with a new methodology for appliance identification and also to identify its state of operation. This project is going to upgrade the smart grid with new algorithm that will cross leaps and bounds in non-intrusive load monitoring technique. This technique is used to separate the electric load composition of appliances using single point sensing. This includes capturing interference patterns generated by ON state or OFF state of electrical appliances like fan, light etc. and then extracting features from the captured EMI's dataset and then classifying it as which appliance the particular EMI signature belongs to. This paper shows the process of classification of EMI signatures for Smart Grid.
Cite this Research Publication : P. Raja, Alwarappan, G. Subramania, S, S., C, S., and Gandhiraj R., “Classification of EMI Signatures for Smart Grid”, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2017), Tamil Nadu, 2017.