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Total chromatic number for certain classes of product graphs

Authors : TP Sandhiya, J Geetha, K Somasundaram

Publisher :World Scientific Publishing Company

Ignition studies of hydrogen-air mixtures over hot wire

Authors : V Ratna Kishore, S Raj, P Parthasarathy, Jithin E. V.

Publisher :International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Extramedullary plasmacytoma of the larynx -Case report

Authors : Gupte A, Sasidharan A, Nair A, Dutta D.

Publisher :Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Perceptions of Faculty Towards Online Teaching for Undergraduate Medical Education: An Interview-based Qualitative Study

Authors : Unnikrishnan Menon, Riju Ramachandran, Suja Gopalakrishnan, Poornima B, Anu Sasidharan, Sumithra N, Natasha Radhakrishnan, Suchitra Sivadas

Publisher :National Medical Journal of India

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