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Novel Target-Specific Multiplexed Nano- Phytomedicines for Cancer Therapy

Start Date: Wednesday, Dec 01,2010

School: School of Nano Sciences

Project Incharge:Dr. Deepthy Menon
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Manzoor K.
Co-Project Incharge:Dr.Ullas Mony
Funded by:ICMR
Novel Target-Specific Multiplexed Nano- Phytomedicines for Cancer Therapy

The project on novel target-specific multiplexed nanophytomedicines for cancer therapy, funded by ICMR, focuses on the importance of dietary phytochemicals in sensitizing breast cancers that are resistant to chemodrugs such as Paclitaxel in clinical use.

The nanomedicine developed would be tested on appropriate animal models prior to which the material will be tested in vitro for its efficacy as well as toxicity effects.

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