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Behavioral Operations

The interplay between human psychology, sociological phenomena, and operational performance is a vital area of study. Understanding how these factors influence one another and the impact of operational policies on human behavior is crucial for effective operations management. To maintain a strong focus on behavioral dynamics in operations management modeling, policy development, and implementation, it is essential to drive research growth in this field. By delving into the intricacies of human psychology and sociological factors, we can make informed decisions regarding operations policies. This emphasis on behavioral aspects not only improves operational performance but also ensures that operational policies are more aligned with human behavior, leading to enhanced efficiency and productivity. In summary, the study of the relationship between human behavior, sociological phenomena, and operations management policies is instrumental in advancing both research and practical applications in this field.


  • Sustainable healthcare
  • Sustainable consumption
  • Accss to medicine
  • Lean six sigma in healthcare


Dr. Dhanya M.

Dr. Dhanya M.

Team Lead

Dr. Rojalin Patri

Dr. Rojalin Patri

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rejikumar G

Dr. Rejikumar G


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