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The Centre of Excellence (COE) is engaged in research and development activities in the broad areas encompassing the individual developments in, or an integration of Advanced Materials and Green Technologies based on material synthesis, material characterization, material modification, and innovative methodologies of application. The four main focus areas proposed in the research activities of the Center are Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Green Applications, Environmental and Biological Sensors, Bio-inspired Materials for Green Applications and Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development. There is a significant overlap between these four focus areas due to the interdisciplinary nature of most of the projects. The Centre aims to study the physicochemical interactions of materials in various environments and engineer novel materials for suitable applications in these environments. The research activities of the Center encompass considerations of sustainability, advanced technological developments, basic research, industrial involvement, medical needs, ethical considerations, and governmental regulations.

Research Areas

Research activities in the Center are under the following thrust areas

Research Areas

Energy Materials, Technologies and Devices
Dr. Nikhil K. Kothurkar
Dr. Nikhil K. Kothurkar

Dr. Mahendra Naktuji Nandanwar
Dr. Mahendra Naktuji Nandanwar
Assistant Professor

Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula
Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula
Associate Professor

Dr. Sindhu S
Dr. Sindhu S
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.)

Process Intensification
Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula
Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula
Associate Professor

Dr. Murali Rangarajan
Dr. Murali Rangarajan
Head of Department

Prof. Sriram Devanathan
Prof. Sriram Devanathan

Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan
Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan

Dr. Krishna Prasad R.
Dr. Krishna Prasad R.
Vice Chairperson
Associate Professor

Sustainable Resource Management
Dr. Murali Rangarajan
Dr. Murali Rangarajan
Head of Department

Prof. Sriram Devanathan
Prof. Sriram Devanathan

Dr. Nikhil K. Kothurkar
Dr. Nikhil K. Kothurkar

Dr. Krishna Prasad R.
Dr. Krishna Prasad R.
Vice Chairperson
Associate Professor

Dr. Nithya K.
Dr. Nithya K.
Associate Professor

Vinoj Vasu
Vinoj Vasu
Assistant Professor

Polymer Nanocomposites for Strategic Applications
Dr. Meera Balachandran
Dr. Meera Balachandran
Vice Chairperson

Dr. Kannan M.
Dr. Kannan M.
Assistant Professor (SG)

Dr. Rasana Nanoth
Dr. Rasana Nanoth
Associate Professor

Biomimetic and Biomolecular Chemistry
Dr. Yamuna R.
Dr. Yamuna R.

Dr. Prasanna Ramani
Dr. Prasanna Ramani

Research Laboratories

About the Lab

The lab research focus is on development of new materials and devices for generation and storage of energy in electrochemical form. Global demand for cleaner and greener energy drives the lab.

  • Electrochemical workstations (AutoLab)
  • Computer workstation
  • Academic programs
  • Dr. Sudip Batabyal
    (Amrita Centre for Industrial Research and Innovation, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore)
About the Lab / Centre

The research work in the lab is mainly focussed on the development of intensified and integrated technologies and catalysts for the conversion of biomass to engine-grade fuels and chemicals, mixed-paraffin dehydrogenation and solar cogeneration. We also work on heat integrated reactors for the production of hydrogen via Steam Reformation and Dry Reformation

Research Projects
  1. Heating and Cooling with Microchannels to Drive System Performance (Rate and Response) in Atomic Layer Etching Process – Lam REsearch Inc., USA – USD 25000 (17.14 Lakhs) – (2019 -2020) – Ongoing
  2. Design and Testing of an Efficient Microchannel Reactor for Hydrogen Production via Heat Integrated Combustion and Steam Reformation of Methane – HPCL R&D, Bangalore – 53.10 Lakhs (2019 – 2021) – Ongoing
  3. Development of an Integrated Wastewater Treatment and Fuel Production System using Ceramic Membranes and Microchannel Reactors (In Collaboration with IIT Guwahati and Aqua Solutions, Assam) – DST – Water & Energy – 110 Lakhs – Project Approved – Waiting for the Financial release.
  4. Development of a 10 kW Cogeneration Unit based on Microchannel Heat Exchangers for Efficient Utilization of Solar Energy – DST-Clean Energy Research Initiative (CERI) – 104.97 Lakhs (2016-2019) Completed
  5. Kinetics of Mixed-paraffin Dehydrogenation Over Pt-Sn/Al2O3 Catalyst – Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) – Young Scientist Scheme – 26.82 Lakhs (2015-208) – Completed
  • CNC Router for the fabrication of microchannel reactors
  • High-temperature dehydrogenation facility (up to 900oC)
  • Experimental setup for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
  • Tube Furnace (upto 1200oC)
  • Liquid-phase catalyst reduction
  • Biomass gasifier
  • 10 kW Concentrated Solar Steam Generation Unit (up to 270oC) steam temperature.
  • Microchannel Reactor for Conversion of Biomass Derived Syngas to Liquid Fuels
  • 10kW Cogeneration Unit based on Microchannel Heat Exchangers
  1. Dr. S. Senthil Murugan and Dr. Selvaraju Narayanasmay
    IIT Guwahati
  2. Dr. G. Valavarasu
    HPCL Green R&D Center, Bangalore
  3. DR. Nerissa Draeger
    Office of The Chief Technology Officer, Lam Research Inc., Fremont, USA
  4. Dr. Lavanya M.
    CPCL R&D, Chennai
About the Lab / Centre

In Advanced Functional Materials Laboratory, our research activities have been aimed at:

  • Developing functional materials and coatings, and,
  • Developing feasible, affordable and real-time technologies for water distribution and quality management.

We work with multi-disciplinary teams in developing sustainable technologies and solutions for global challenges. We work both on fundamental and highly applied research, and the problems we work on are diverse.


Electrodeposition of Metals, Alloys and Compounds :

We use electrodeposition as a synthesis strategy to developed controlled morphologies and compositions of thin films of metals, alloys and compounds.
We have studied electrodeposition of bismuth from acidic baths and deposited different morphologies of bismuth films by choice of bath composition (including additives), pH and deposition conditions. We have electrodeposited SnBi and SnIn alloys from acidic baths for microelectronic packaging and have shown that it is possible to deposit alloys of a wide range of compositions (e.g., 14% to 75% Sn, including eutectic alloys) with smooth morphologies and good surface coverage. We are working on developing the flip-chip technologies for indium, tin-bismuth and tin-indium alloys. We have shown, for the first time, that it is possible to electrodeposit bismuth iodide and oxyiodide thin films of controlled stoichiometries from a single bath.

Ongoing research : 

Presently, we are interested in understanding the synthesis-structure and structure-property relationships in electrodeposition of metals, alloys and compounds. We seek collaborations in modelling and simulation of electrodeposition of bismuth, tin-bismuth alloy and bismuth iodide from different baths, particularly the nucleation and crystal growth phenomena.

Electrochemical Sensors : 

We have developed bismuth-based and graphene-based electrochemical sensors for the detection of various analytes including heavy metals (particularly lead ions) in water, biomolecules in urine and serum matrices (dopamine, uric acid and ascorbic acid, collaboration with Dr. Nikhil Kothurkar – CEMS), antioxidants and nutrients in food matrices (ascorbic acid, folic acid, ferulic acid, vanillin), and macronutrients (NPK) in soils (collaboration with Dr. A. Purushothaman – Electronics and Communication Engineering). Towards understanding and designing graphene-based sensors, we have employed semi-empirical simulations of graphene oxide-analyte interactions.

Ongoing research :

We are interested in developing real-time electrochemical sensors for detection of heavy metal ions and macronutrients (NPK) in water and soil. To this end, the sensor technology is being standardized and collaboratively, we are developing portable potentiostat and the required instrumentation. We have initiated studies of degradation of screen-printed electrode materials in water and soil matrices. We seek collaborations on systems-level simulations of sensor networks employing such devices.

Water Distribution and Quality Management :

We are developing feasible, affordable and versatile technology solutions for real-time management of water distribution and quality. In an ongoing study, we are examining how to minimize the number and optimize the placement of water flow/pressure sensors in large water distribution networks for real-time localization and detection of leaks in the networks. This is a collaboration with Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian (Computer Science and Engineering). We are developing packed bed electrochemical reactors for removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater. In this system, we are also exploring the simultaneous production of hydrogen by water electrolysis. We are also developing filters for heavy metal ions using cementitious materials (collaboration with Dr. Manu Santhanam and Dr. Mathava Kumar of IIT Madras). We are designing and developing continuous reactors for electrocoagulation- and advanced oxidation-based removal of various pollutants from water including pesticides and dyes.


Products being developed

  • Packed bed electrochemical reactors for removal of heavy metal ions in water and simultaneous co-generation of hydrogen
  • Electrochemical sensor for NPK in soil matrices in real time
  • Electrochemical sensor for heavy metal ions in water matrices in real time
International Collaborations
  1. Sathiskumar Jothi
    Dr. Stephen Brown
    Dr. Nicholas Lavery
    Dr. Kirill Yusenko,

    College of Engineering, Swansea University, Bay Campus, Fabian Way, Swansea (Joint Publications, Proposals)
  2. Peter Handel
    Dr. Carlo Fischione
    Dr. Viktoria Fodor
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (Joint Proposal)
  3. Eddie Koenders
    Dr. Neven Ukrainczyk
    Dr. Murugan Muthu

    Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany (Joint Proposal)
  4. Jose Manuel Diaz Cruz
    Dr. Miguel Esteban Cortada

    Water Research Institute, University of Barcelona, Spain (Joint Proposal)
  5. Tommy Giertz,
    Stockholm Vatten VA AB, Sweden (Joint Proposal)
  6. Jan Lindmark,
    Brepus Castel, Sweden (Joint Proposal)
  7. Manoj Kumar Singh
    Dr. Gonzalo Otero-Irurueta,

    Center for Mechanical Technology & Automation, University of Aveiro, Portugal (Joint Publication)
  8. P. V. Aravind
    Process and Energy Laboratory, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands (Ongoing Joint Research)
  9. Takuya Tsuzuki,
    Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (Joint Publications)
  10. M. V. Reddy
    Graphene Research Center/Advanced Batteries Center, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Joint Student Guidance)
National Collaborations
  1. Manu Santhanam,
    Building Technology and Construction Management Division, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras (Joint Publication, Proposals, Student Guidance)
  2. Mathava Kumar
    Environmental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras (Joint Publication)
  3. Venkatakrishnan,
    School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi (Joint Proposal)
  4. R. Vasanthakumari
    Polymer Nanotechnology Center, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India (Joint Publications)
  5. Subbiah Alwarappan
    CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, India (Joint Student Guidance, Ongoing Joint Research)
  6. R. Bhaskaran<
    B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India (Joint Proposal)
  7. Srinath Gopalan,
    Sertel Electronics Pvt. Ltd, Chennai (Joint Proposals)
  8. Mr. Archit Naraniwal,
    Faclon Labs, Mumbai (Joint Proposal)

Our research is centred around the development of nanomaterials and nanostructured materials for various applications with an emphasis on energy applications, such as photovoltaics and electrochemical energy storage.

Carbon-based nanomaterials and their nanocomposites with polymers are an important focus area. It includes graphene, reduced graphene oxide, graphene quantum dots, carbon quantum dots and their polymer nanocomposites for use in low-cost and high-performance supercapacitors, and counter-electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells.

We also develop various semiconductor materials, including 2D materials like MoS2, for the same applications. Band-gap tuning, doping, and surface chemistry modifications and making nanocomposites are some of the methods we use to improve the performance of these materials in the different applications.

We are interested in developing materials for photo-electrochemical production of fuels including and hydrogen and hydrocarbons, using sunlight and CO2. It involves the understanding of the material’s electronic structure, carrier concentration, mobility, trap density, carrier diffusion length and interaction with the electrolyte.

Another focus area is the development of solution chemistry methods for thin film and third generation solar cell fabrication in order to reduce fabrication cost, while maintaining high performance.

We also collaborate with others laboratories in the centre for other application of the materials in areas such as drug delivery, environmental sensors, biosensors and so on.

  1. Nanocomposites based on graphene oxide and transition metal oxides and chalcogenides synthesized by peroxide route for supercapacitor application” Indo Russian, DST/INT/RFBR/P-241- Cost of the project 2434400 – Completed (June 2017- June 2019)
  2. Dr. Mahendra (PI), ‘Natural Convection Driven Flow-Through Soluble Lead Redox Flow Battery With Inbuilt Sonication Mechanism for Longer Cycle Life’,  SERB, 14.34 lakhs, 2017-2020
  3. CSIR SRF awarded for one of the Ph.D scholar (M.Sathish Kumar) File no: 09/ 1034 (0005)/ 2K19 EMR-I- ongoing.

Electrochemical workstation (ZIVE SP), Two Zone Tubular furnace Labtherm, Thermal evaporator, Spin coater, Centrifuge machine, Four probe conductivity measurement. Chemical vapour deposition

  • Dr. Kaushik Ghosh
  • INST
  • Dr. Dhamodaran
  • Cochin AIIMS
  • Dr. Kalool Mohanta
  • Dr. Ramaranjan Battacharya
  • Amity Kolkata
  • K. Kalyanasundaram, Scientific adviser, LPI, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Sathiskumar Jothi, Dr. Trystan Watson and Dr. Mcgettrick, Swansea University, UK
  • K. Krishnamoorthy, NCL pune, India
  • Russell H Schmehl, Tulane University, Louisiana, USA
Current Members
  • Mr. K. Gireesh Baiju
  • Mr. Murali Balu
  • Mrs. Geetha Nagarajan
  • Mr. Senthil Kumar (as Co-guide)
  • Mr. M. Sreejith (as Co-guide)

Our group research focuses on the design, synthesis of advanced inorganic, organic nanostructured materials having specific structural and physical properties for the construction of more efficient solar cells, photocatalysts and photodetectors, and we are currently active in the following four broad areas of research:

  1. a) Dye/ Quantum dot sensitized solar cells: Multi-dimensional, multifunctional metal oxide, pervoskite nanostructures and quantum structures for improving the light absorption, charge transport and electro-catalytic properties of the photoelectrodes in Dye/Quantum dot sensitized solar cells.
  2. c) Photodetectors: Novel low dimensional (1D or 2D) nanostructures of metals and metal chalcogenides for the photodetection and gas-sensing applications.
  3. b) Photocatalysts for solar fuels: Novel inorganic metal oxide heterostructures with or without dopants for the photocatalytic/photoelectrochemical hydrogen production from water splitting.
  4. d) Ionic liquids and Self-assembly: Polymer gels and / or ionic liquids with desirable viscosity and high boiling points for the application as quasi-solid state/gel electrolytes in the solar cells and batteries.
About the Lab

The research focus of this lab is the development of polymer based composites and nanocomposites for specific applications.

  1. High Performance Polyether Ketone- Carbon Fibre Composite for Future Generation Aviation and Space Applications, Dr. Meera Balachandran ( PI) , Dr. K. Jayanarayanan ( Co-PI),  Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik ( Co PI), ISRO RESPOND, 24.96 lakhs, 2019-2021 (ongoing)
  2. Development of Metal/Poly Ether Ether Ketone Hybrid Composite Laminates for Nuclear Wastage Storage Containers, Dr. Jayanarayanan ( PI), Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik ( Co PI), DAE-BRNS, 30.1 lakhs  2015-2018 ( completed)
  3. Polymer Nanocomposites for Inflatable Space Structures, Dr. K. Jayanarayanan ( PI), Dr.S.S. Bhagwan ( Co-PI), ISRO-RESPOND, 4.5 lakhs, 2007-2009
  • Fully Automatic Injection moulding machine (Cincinnati Milacron 40T)
  • Twin Screw Extruder
  • Single Screw Extruder
  • Kneader
  • Two Roll Mill
  • Hydraulic Compression Press
  • Oscillating Disc Rheometer
  • Plasma Treatment Unit.
  • Dr. Lalit Varshney
    BARC, Mumbai
  • Kuruvilla Joseph
    Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
  • Sabu Thomas
    Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam,
  • Mathew Abraham
    Gharda Chemicals Ltd., Mumbai
About the Lab

With a view toward sustainability, the researchers of this lab focus on developing materials and technologies based not just on technical functional requirements, but rather more holistically, taking economic, cultural, and social factors into consideration.


The focus areas include sustainable technologies for water treatment (such as bioremediation of water for heavy metals), enzymatic bleaching, biodegradable sanitary pads (from banana stem and water hyacinth), biodegradable composites, bio-based superabsorbent polymers, home-scale biomethanation, solar heating based lemon-grass distillation, and pyrolytic gasification for conversion of bio- and plastic- waste to energy.


Sponsored Research Projects:

  1. Development of a 10 kW Cogeneration Unit using Microchannel Heat Exchangers for Efficient Utilization of Solar Energy – DST (CERI), 2016-2019
  2. Development of automated machine for low cost production of sanitary napkins with ability to use different types of absorbent material including textile waste – DST, 2014-2017

Student Projects:

  • Closed-loop gas recycling system for pyrolysis of plastic and bio-waste, Aishwarya Babu, Harikrishnan P., Rubala T., Sivahari G.
  • Natural fiber-reinforced biodegradable polymer composites for application in wind turbine blades, Swathi P.
  • An integrated measurement and process optimisation approach for PMMA synthesis, Durga Ramadas, Gouri Ramadas, Shevani R.M., Shreya Raghunath, 2018.
  • Development of low-cost gas calorimeter, Vikas Pandey, George Bobby Poothullil, Chemical Engineering, 2017.
  • Membrane-based separation of propylene from mixed propane stream, Abhiram Ashok, Janani Ananth, Neslie Ummer, and Sridhar Harigovind, 2016.
  • Risk analysis of a process plant, Niranchana Venkatesh and Nivedita Manoj, 2015.
  • Plant study of benzene hydrogenation and design of equipments in heptane removal unit, Varunkumar K.G., 2015.
  • Development of a home scale pyrolysis unit to convert plastics waste into liquid fuel, Jayanthan T.P., Muralidarran P.V., Pravin R., Preethi P., 2015.
  • Plastics Recycling by Selective Dissolution and Precipitation, Sethuraman S., Vidya R. Pillai, and Viral R. Chandaria, Chemical Engineering, 2014.
  • Ultrasound Assisted Oxidative Desulfurization of Diesel, P. T. R. Gupta and Raveendra Goud Thotta, Chemical Engineering, 2014.

Other Projects:

  1. Development of biodegradable absorbents from water hyacinth, for sanitary pads.
  2. Development of biodegradable superabsorbent polymers from corn starch, rice starch, and potato starch.
  • Pyrolysis reactor
  • Biomethanation test units
  • Manufacturing unit for sanitary pads
  • Banana fibre extractor
Academic programs
  • Supports M. Tech. Materials Science & Engineering and B. Tech. Chemical Engineering
  • Saukhyam banana-fibre based sanitary pads, pyrolysis oil & gas, lemon-grass oil
About the Lab

The research focus of this lab is to functionalize carbon nanomaterials for the sensor and non-linear optical applications. Our research interests also include synthesis of cobaloximes with new or modified equatorial and axial ligands, biologically and medicinally important organic molecules.

Porphyrin-based functional photonic materials have been the cornerstone of research because of their structural rigidity, thermal stability, photochemical, and electrochemical properties. Linking porphyrins to material systems can improve the photochemical and redox properties of the systems. To facilitate the absorptivity of photo absorbers in case of photochemical devices nano materials are functionalized with chromophores such as porphyrin, metalloporphyrin and azo molecules. Our report shows that Porphyrin functionalized carbon nanomaterial shows high third order non-linear optical properties.

Our research interests also include the design and synthesis of cobaloximes with new or modified equatorial and axial ligands. Cobaloxime complexes are among the best synthetic transition metal catalysts known for H2 production. Our interest here to synthesize and characterize new organometallic compounds for H2 production. We reported single crystal X-ray structure of many new cobaloximes. Thermotropic liquid crystalline properties of cobaloxime have been reported for the first time. The crystal structures of various organic compounds with medicinal, biological and pharmaceutical importance have been reported from our lab.

  1. Synthesis, characterization and liquid crystalline studies of azo and Schiff base containing porphyrin complex. Ref. No.: 01(2256))/08/EMR-II, 3 years (2009-2012), 17 Lakhs, Funding agency: CSIR, New Delhi. Status: Completed (2009-2012)PIDr. R. Yamuna, Co-PI: Dr. S. Asha
  2. Synthesis, characterization and liquid crystalline studies of bridged dicobaloximes Registration No: CS-254/2011, Status: completed 3 years (2012-2015), 28 lakhs, Funding agency: DST, New Delhi. PIDr. R. Yamuna
  3. Development of new and efficient photo sensitizer for dye solar cell. Ref. No.: ERIP/ER/090378/M/01/1218, Status: completed 3 years (2010-2013), 45 Lakhs, Funding agency: DRDO, PI: Dr. D. Kumaresan, Co-PI: Dr. K. Nikhiland Dr. R. Yamuna
  • Fume hood with schlenk line setup
  • Rotary evaporator with chiller
  • UV-visible spectrophotometer
  • Optical polarizing microscope
  • Centrifuge machine and distillation unit.
  1. Dr. Nikhil Kothurkar Dr. R. Murali,
    Chemical engineering and material sciences, Amrita vishwa vidyapeetham
  2. Prof A. K. Mohanakrishnan
    Madras University,
  3. G. Chakkaravarthi
    Head, CPCL polytechnic, Chennai.
  4. Nguyen Hung-Huy-Department of Chemistry, Hanoi University of Science, Le Thanh Tong Street, Hoan Kiem-Hanoj, Vietnam

Research Funding in CoE – AMGT

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Development of scaled-up, pump-less, free-convection-driven, soluble lead redox flow battery Dr. Mahendra Nandanwar DST

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Development of scaled-up, pump-less, free-convection-driven, soluble lead redox flow battery Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula DST – Technology Missions Division
2 Design and Testing of an Efficient Microchannel Reactor for Hydrogen Production via Heat Integrated Combustion and Steam Reformation of Methane Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula HPCL Green R&D Centre, Bangalore
3 Study on Flow Patterns and Correlations for Two-phase Heat Transfer in Microchannels for Improving Rate and Response in Wafer Fabrication Systems Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula Lam Research, USA
4 Separation of Mixed Salt or Metal Cations from Textile / Tannery / Common Effluent Treatment Plant and Other Industries Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula Cheenu Saltern, Coimbatore

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Heating and Cooling with Microchannel to Drive System Performance (Rate and Response) Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula Lam Research, USA
2 High Performance Polyether Ketone Carbon Fibre Composite for Future Generation Aviation and Space Applications Dr. Meera Balachandran ISRO RESPOND
3 Water-based coating for anode and cathodes for lithium-ion batteries Dr. Thirugnasambandam G M Acsen Electric
4 Impact of surface structure modification using plasma and its wetting behavior on the corrosion Dr. Kannan BRNS
5 Development of High Temperature Thermoplastic Carbon Fiber Composites for Aviation, Space and Defence Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik Gharda Chemicals

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Development of a Pulsed Flow Packed Bed Electrochemical Reactor for Heavy Metals Removal from Groundwater and Wastewater Dr. Murali Rangarajan SERB-EMR
2 High Temperature Thermoplastic Hybrid Composite for Higher Tensile Strength and Impact Resistance Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik Swiss National Science Foundation, Federal Govt. of Switzerland
3 Development of Light Weight Bullet Proof Materials Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik TDFS-DRDO

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Level 1 DST FIST grant under Chemical Sciences Division High Performance Functional Materials for Strategic Applications Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Dr. K. Jayanarayanan DST FIST
2 Reduction of Coefficient of friction (COF) when PVC insulated wires are pulled out through PVC Conduit Dr. Meera Balachandran V-Guard Industries Ltd
3 A New Class of High-capacity MgScX Ternary Alloys for Next Generation NiMH Batteries and Stationary Hydrogen Storage Applications Dr. Thirugnasambandam G M Australian Mines
4 Natural Convection Driven Flow-Through Soluble Lead Redox Flow Battery With Inbuilt Sonication mechanism for Achieving Longer Cycle Life Dr. Mahendra   SERB  

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Development of a 10 kW Cogeneration Unit base on Microchannel Heat Exchangers for Efficient Utilization of Solar Energy Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula DST – CERI
2 Iron Oxide Nanostructures from Anodic Dissolution for Electro-Fenton-mediated Oxidative Degradation of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) Dr. Murali Rangarajan DST-NPDF
3 State of the Art Transparent High Performance Polymeric Nano Composite Windows for Green Buildings and Transportation Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik DST
4 Development of Ultra High Performance Thermoplastic Polymeric Composite for Future Generation Unmanned Aviation and Hypersonic Aircraft Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik Swiss National Science Foundation, Federal Government of Switzerland

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Kinetics of Mixed-paraffin Dehydrogenation using a Pt-Sn/ Al2O3 Catalyst Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula SERB – YSS
2 Fluorite structured Mg Zr alloys for hydrogen storage applications Dr. Thirugnasambandam G M DST
3 Photoelectrochemical Splitting of Water with N-doped Graphene-Hematite Composites for Hydrogen Production (PhotoNGrapHy) Dr. Thirugnasambandam G M DST
4 Development of Metal/ Poly Ether Ketone Hybrid Composite Laminates for Nuclear Waste Storage Containers Dr. K Jayanarayanan BRNS
5 Durability of High Performance Nano Adhesive Bonding of Aluminium under Aerospace Environments Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik DRDO

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Rubber based nanocomposites for application in corrosive and radiation environments Dr. Meera Balachandran UGC – DAE CSR
2 Development of Ultra High Temperature Resistance Polymeric Nanocomposites for Long Distance Space Applications Dr. Shanthanu Bhowmik ISRO

S. No. Name of the Project Principal Investigator Funding Agency
1 Development of Advanced Magnetic Filtration System for Industrial Lubricants Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik EU FP7
2 Investigation on Ultra High Temperature Resistant Nano Adhesive Bonding of Space Durable Polymer for Aviation and Space Applications Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, Govt. of Korea
3 Investigation on Carbon Nano Fiber Reinforced Polyether Ether Ketone/Polyether Imides as Polymer Composite Container for Long Time Nuclear Waste Disposal Dr. Shantanu Bhowmik BRNS
4 Centre of Excellence in Advanced Materials and Green Technologies Dr. Sriram Devanathan
Dr. Murali Rangarajan
Admissions Apply Now