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Dhanya S. R.

Faculty Associate, Physics, School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri

Qualification: M.Ed., MSc, UGC-NET
Scopus Author Profile
Research Interest: Multiferroics


Dhanya S. R. currently serves as Faculty Associate in the Department of Physics, School of Arts & Sciences, Amritapuri since 2011. Currently pursuing my PhD in Material Science.


Journal Article

Year : 2023

Electrical properties of (Nd, Cr) co-doped Bismuth Ferrites synthesized via solid state method

Cite this Research Publication : Dhanya S R, Jyotirmayee Satapathy, N Pavan Kumar, “Electrical properties of (Nd, Cr) co-doped Bismuth Ferrites synthesized via solid state method”, Material Science and Engineering B, 2023.

Publisher : Elsevier

Year : 2023

Structural, Dielectric and Impedance Analysis of Nd doped BiFeO3 prepared using Solid State Synthesis method

Cite this Research Publication : Dhanya S R, Jyotirmayee Satapathy, “Structural, Dielectric and Impedance Analysis of Nd doped BiFeO3 prepared using Solid State Synthesis method", Journal of electronic matter: Material science, 2023.

Publisher : Springer

Year : 2022

A review on the structural and magnetic properties of differently doped bismuth-ferrite multiferroics

Cite this Research Publication : Dhanya S R, Jyotirmayee Satapathy, N Pavan Kumar, "A review on Magnetic Properties of differently Doped Bismuth-Ferrite Multiferroics’, Crystallography Reviews, 2022.

Year : 2021

Thermal Phase Analysis of Neodymium Doped Bismuth Ferrites

Cite this Research Publication : Seethu V. S., Dhanya S. R., and Jyotirmayee Satapathy, “Thermal Phase Analysis of Neodymium Doped Bismuth Ferrites”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2369, p. 020009, 2021.

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

  1. Structural and spectroscopic characterization of BFO, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019
  2. Thermal Phase analysis of neodymium doped bismuth ferrites, AIP Conference Proceedings,2021
  3. Structural, Morphological and Thermal Analysis of Pure and Doped (Ho/Nd)-BFO Multiferroics, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2070 012008 (2021).
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