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Dr. Fabien Chidanand Robert

Visiting Faculty, Amrita Center for Economics & Governance (ACEG), Amritapuri

Qualification: Ph.D
Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar Profile
Research Interest: Technology and Governance of Energy


Dr. Fabien Chidanand Robert currently serves as Visiting Researcher at Amrita Center for Economics and Governance.


  • 2013 – 2018 : Ph.D., School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
    “Low-Cost, Reliable Rural Electrification Using Microgrids Powered by Renewable Energy”

    • Achieved international recognition:
      • Journal publications in top 5% (worldwide) “planning and development” journals
      • Presentations in international conferences (US, Europe, India…)
    • Optimal Design of Renewable Energy Microgrids (autonomous and grid tied), HOMER PRO
    • Analysis of Key Parameters (financial, technical, and related to users’ behavior and weather)
    • Sustainability studies: sensitivity analyses, identification of risks of failures and solutions
    • Proposed new approach to renewable energy deployment in rural areas with drastic reduction of costs, losses, and improvement of reliability for users
  • 2002 – 2007 : Master in Electrical Engineering, with Honours
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble, INPG, France (incl. one year in LTH, Sweden, and 2 years of “prepa”, Lycée François 1er, Fontainebleau, France)



Journal Article

Year : 2021

Sustainable Practices for Rural Microgrids in Developing Countries

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, “Sustainable Practices for Rural Microgrids in Developing Countries”, Energy report (Under review), 2021.

Publisher : Energy report

Year : 2021

Village development framework through self-help-group entrepreneurship, microcredit, and anchor customers in solar microgrids for cooperative sustainable rural societies

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, Frey, L. M., and Sisodia, G. Singh, “Village development framework through self-help-group entrepreneurship, microcredit, and anchor customers in solar microgrids for cooperative sustainable rural societies”, Journal of Rural Studies, 2021.

Publisher : Journal of Rural Studies (2021)

Year : 2018

Low cost, highly reliable rural electrification through a combination of grid extension and local renewable energy generation

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “Low cost, highly reliable rural electrification through a combination of grid extension and local renewable energy generation”, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 42, pp. 344 - 354, 2018.

Publisher : Sustainable Cities and Society .

Year : 2018

A critical review on the utilization of storage and demand response for the implementation of renewable energy microgrids

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, Sisodia, G. Singh, and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “A critical review on the utilization of storage and demand response for the implementation of renewable energy microgrids”, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 40, pp. 735 - 745, 2018.

Publisher : Sustainable Cities and Society, .

Conference Paper

Year : 2019

Lower Peak Demand and Electricity Bill using Uninterruptible Power Supply and Solar Electricity

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, “Lower Peak Demand and Electricity Bill using Uninterruptible Power Supply and Solar Electricity”, in 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics Guimarães, Portugal, 2019.

Publisher : 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics Guimarães

Year : 2018

Solar electricity: An effective asset to supply urban loads in hot climates

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “Solar electricity: An effective asset to supply urban loads in hot climates”, in AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, vol. 1952, p. 020012.

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Year : 2018

From Solar Microgrid Simulation to Field Deployment: Accuracy and Uncertainties

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “From Solar Microgrid Simulation to Field Deployment: Accuracy and Uncertainties”, in 2018 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 2018.

Publisher : 2018 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA)

Year : 2017

An Intelligent Approach to Strengthening of the Rural Electrical Power Supply Using Renewable Energy Resources

Cite this Research Publication :
Fabien Chidanand Robert, Sisodia, G. S., and Gopalan, S., “An Intelligent Approach to Strengthening of the Rural Electrical Power Supply Using Renewable Energy Resources”, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, vol. 83, p. 012005

Publisher : IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Year : 2017

Indicators for the usability of solar energy in India for the development of Islanded microgrids

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “Indicators for the usability of solar energy in India for the development of Islanded microgrids”, in 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy), 2017.

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy

Year : 2017

Environmental friendly and cost effective approach to provide highly reliable electric supply to rural business and industries

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert and Gopalan, S., “Environmental friendly and cost effective approach to provide highly reliable electric supply to rural business and industries”, in 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy ( TAP Energy), 2017

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy

Year : 2017

The critical role of anchor customers in rural microgrids: Impact of load factor on energy cost

Cite this Research Publication : D. Fabien Chi Robert, Sisodia, G. S., and Gopalan, S., “The critical role of anchor customers in rural microgrids: Impact of load factor on energy cost”, in 2017 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC), 2017.

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC)

Year : 2017

The critical role of anchor customers in rural microgrids, Impact of load factor on energy cost

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, Sisodia, G. S., and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “The critical role of anchor customers in rural microgrids, Impact of load factor on energy cost”, in 2017 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC), Chennai, India, 2017

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation

Year : 2016

When academia meets rural India: Lessons learnt from a MicroGrid implementation

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, “When academia meets rural India: Lessons learnt from a MicroGrid implementation”, in 2016 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2016, pp. 156-163.

Publisher : IEEEXplore

Year : 2013

Smart device for optimal use of stored renewable power

Cite this Research Publication : R. D. Aryadevi, Anilesh, S., Fabien Chidanand Robert, and Ramesh, M. V., “Smart device for optimal use of stored renewable power”, in 2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2013, pp. 732-737

Publisher : 2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO)

Book Chapter

Year : 2021

Solar Electrification of a Village: Roadmap and Technical Design, in “Renewable Energy – Resources, Challenges and Applications“

Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, “Solar Electrification of a Village: Roadmap and Technical Design, in “Renewable Energy - Resources, Challenges and Applications“”, in published by IntechOpen. (Under Review), 2021.

  • 2012- 2017 : Project Manager/Research Associate, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India,
    • Stabiliz-E Project (Portugal, Germany, Finland and India): Design of a Renewable Energy Lab and Experiments to strengthen Renewable Energy Integration and Distribution Grids:
      • Interactive management of a 3 phase Microgrid powered by 9 kWc Solar Energy and Grid
      • Integration and control of 15 Smart Meters, Smart Inverters and Grid reconfiguration.
      • Optimisation of Renewable Energy and storage utilisation, minimisation of losses.
    • Design, Implementation and Follow-up of six Solar Microgrids for a tribal village
    • Courses taught in Master:
      • “Renewable Energy and Conversion”
      • “Smart Grid” (incl. writing the curriculum)
  • 2008 – 2010 : Project Manager as Electrical Engineer at ENERCON GmbH
    Coordination of Electrical Works in Wind Park Projects (280 MW on 25 projects)

    • Writing technical specifications for the 20 kV substations, power equipment and cabling
    • Organising tenders and managing subcontractors
    • Responsible for safety (official agreements), quality and respect of deadlines
    • Responsible for protection settings and commissioning of wind parks with with utility
    • Initiating and organising weekly meetings with project managers and teams of technicians.
Extra Curriculum Activities
  • 2011 – 2019 Volunteer with Embracing The World (ETW)
    • Humanitarian Service: helping set-up a Waste Management Center in India (2011-12)
    • Organising events throughout the world for people in difficulty (US, Europe, Japan, India…)
  • 2017 – 2019 Regular reviewer for world class energy journals and conferences
Services Offered
  1. Project Management in a Multicultural Environment
    • Monitoring by indicators, based on their impact on key objectives (cost-quality-timeliness)
    • Managing project planning
    • Regular reporting and communication with all stake holders (meeting minutes, weekly reports…)
    • Conducting effective meetings (clear roles, objectives and agendas, maximizing the common pool of knowledge, technic of “six hats”…)
    • Defining clear responsibilities, interactions and risks
    • Uncovering possible synergies and hidden value
    • Organising tenders for sub-contractors and writing techno-economic offers
  2. Management of Human Resources
    • Coordination of project teams and experts
    • Management of human resources with professional tools (Vital Smart tools1: crucial conversation, influencers; distributed leadership2, systemic approach…)
    • Professional conflict solving approach (Vital Smart1 and Black Swan group tools3 and systemic approach: finding mutual purpose, restoring safety, encouraging active listening, identifying unhealthy behaviours like the triangle of Karpman…)
  3. Technical Expertise and Support in Financial Analysis
    • Least-cost technical design for renewable energy microgrids (autonomous and grid connected)
      • Performing feasibility studies
      • Dimensioning and comparing solutions for electricity generation and energy storage: inputs include power ratings of components, power curves, losses, derating of batteries during fast discharge, weather forecast, effect of temperature (batteries and solar PV), aging, O&M, CO2 emissions…
      • Writing/Validating Technical specifications of projects
      • Performing simulations with HOMER Pro
      • Performing sensitivity analysis (e.g. cost vs. reliability; cash flow vs. volatility of energy market)
      • Validating financial analysis (Net Present Value, cash flow, discount rate, risk premium)
    • Grid connection of renewable energy generation
      • Performing critical analysis of grid connection agreements (Inrush current limitations, maximum power at Point of Coupling…)
      • Validating and implementing requirements for protection devices, settings, and coordination
Project Experience

Examples of Wind Projects Supervised

Location : All over France

Installed Power : 280 MW (Total) projects from 330 kW to 20 MW


  • Mésanger (44) 9.2 MW
  • Pouille les coteaux (44) 2 MW
  • Rascaillac, (81) 4 MW
  • Camplong (34) 7 MW
  • Lusignan (86) 330 kW
  • La Répara (26) 3MW
  • Cambernon (50) 2 MW
  • Garcelles et Conteville (14) 16 MW
  • And many others…

Clients : Energieteam, EDF Energies nouvelles…

Subcontractors for cabling : ETDE, Forclum…

Switch gears 20 kV : Areva, Siesmens, ABB… (Negotiation of framework contracts)

Responsibilities :

  • Design and technical specifications for the internal cabling (20kV) of wind parks
  • Organisation of tenders for subcontractors
  • Design of 20 kV substations: switchgears, protections, transformers and concrete plan
  • Validation in the manufacturing plant, then reception on site
  • Coordination of planning: cabling teams, delivery and assembly of wind turbines…
  • Supervision of cabling works (150mm2 to 240mm2 + fiber optic)
  • Responsible for the regulatory conformance of the electrical infrastructure for the whole wind park (regulatory visit + technical documentation)
  • Responsible for the first energisation of the wind park
  • Reception of the wind park with the client


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