Year : 2021
Sustainable Practices for Rural Microgrids in Developing Countries
Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, “Sustainable Practices for Rural Microgrids in Developing Countries”, Energy report (Under review), 2021.
Publisher : Energy report
Year : 2021
Village development framework through self-help-group entrepreneurship, microcredit, and anchor customers in solar microgrids for cooperative sustainable rural societies
Cite this Research Publication : Fabien Chidanand Robert, Frey, L. M., and Sisodia, G. Singh, “Village development framework through self-help-group entrepreneurship, microcredit, and anchor customers in solar microgrids for cooperative sustainable rural societies”, Journal of Rural Studies, 2021.
Publisher : Journal of Rural Studies (2021)
Year : 2018
Low cost, highly reliable rural electrification through a combination of grid extension and local renewable energy generation
Cite this Research Publication :
Fabien Chidanand Robert and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “Low cost, highly reliable rural electrification through a combination of grid extension and local renewable energy generation”, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 42, pp. 344 - 354, 2018.
Publisher : Sustainable Cities and Society .
Year : 2018
A critical review on the utilization of storage and demand response for the implementation of renewable energy microgrids
Cite this Research Publication :
Fabien Chidanand Robert, Sisodia, G. Singh, and Dr. Sundararaman Gopalan, “A critical review on the utilization of storage and demand response for the implementation of renewable energy microgrids”, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 40, pp. 735 - 745, 2018.
Publisher : Sustainable Cities and Society, .