Year : 2023
Saliency and ballness driven deep learning framework for cell segmentation in bright field microscopic images
Cite this Research Publication : SB Asha, G Gopakumar, GRKS Subrahmanyam, "Saliency and ballness driven deep learning framework for cell segmentation in bright field microscopic images", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 118, 105704, DOI:, 2023.
Publisher : Elsevier
Year : 2023
Saliency and ballness driven deep learning framework for cell segmentation in bright field microscopic images
Cite this Research Publication : SB Asha, G Gopakumar, GRKS Subrahmanyam, "Saliency and ballness driven deep learning framework for cell segmentation in bright field microscopic images", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 118, 105704, 2023. DOI:
Publisher : Elsevier
Year : 2020
Speech Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques
Cite this Research Publication : Sasidharan Rajeswari, S., Gopakumar, G., Nair, M. (2021). Speech Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques. In: Sharma, H., Saraswat, M., Yadav, A., Kim, J.H., Bansal, J.C. (eds) Congress on Intelligent Systems. CIS 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1335, pp 169–178, 2020. Springer, Singapore.
Publisher : Springer
Year : 2018
Convolutional neural network‐based malaria diagnosis from focus stack of blood smear images acquired using custom‐built slide scanner
Cite this Research Publication : G Gopakumar, M Swetha, G Sai Siva, GRK Sai Subrahmanyam, "Convolutional neural network‐based malaria diagnosis from focus stack of blood smear images acquired using custom‐built slide scanner," Journal of biophotonics 11 (3), e201700003, 2018.
Publisher : Wiley Online Library
Year : 2017
Microfluidic microscopy-assisted label-free approach for cancer screening: automated microfluidic cytology for cancer screening
Cite this Research Publication : V. Kalyan Jagannadh, Gopakumar G, Subrahmanyam, G. R. K. Sai, and Gorthi, S. Siva, “Microfluidic microscopy-assisted label-free approach for cancer screening: automated microfluidic cytology for cancer screening”, Medical {&} Biological Engineering {&} Computing, vol. 55, pp. 711–718, 2017
Publisher : Medical {&} Biological Engineering {&} Computing,
Year : 2017
Cytopathological image analysis using deep-learning networks in microfluidic microscopy
Cite this Research Publication : Gopakumar G, K, H. Babu, D, M., SS, G., and GR, S. Subrahmany, “Cytopathological image analysis using deep-learning networks in microfluidic microscopy”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 111-121, 2017
Publisher : Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Year : 2017
Convolutional Neural Network-based malaria Diagnosis from Focus Stack of Blood Smear Images Acquired Using Custom-built Slide Scanner
Cite this Research Publication :
Gopakumar G, Swetha, M., Siva, G. Sai, and Subrahmanyam, G. R. K. Sai, “Convolutional Neural Network-based malaria Diagnosis from Focus Stack of Blood Smear Images Acquired Using Custom-built Slide Scanner”, Journal of Biophotonics, p. e201700003–n/a, 2017
Publisher : Journal of Biophotonics
Year : 2016
Framework for morphometric classification of cells in imaging flow cytometry
Cite this Research Publication : G Gopakumar, VK Jagannadh, SS Gorthi, GRKS Subrahmanyam, "Framework for morphometric classification of cells in imaging flow cytometry", Journal of Microscopy 261 (3), 307-319, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12335