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Corporate Theatre Workshop Held for Department of Management, Amritapuri (Kollam) Students

July 21, 2018 - 5:43
Corporate Theatre Workshop Held for Department of Management, Amritapuri (Kollam) Students

The first-year students of Department of Management, Amritapuri (Kollam), were graced with the privilege of attending “Corporate Theatre” with the renowned Shri. Paul Matthew, Founder & Facilitator, Corporate Theatre. Shri. Paul Mathew conducted “Corporate Theatre” a theatre-based learning for corporate excellence workshop for the management students at the campus.

The activities commenced with a seemingly simple activity in which all participants were instructed to declare their names in a unique way, and the others to mimic their exact tones and actions. After a series of activities, the group was divided into teams and given a description of an event and the premise behind it. The groups then had to create a tableau, complete with characters, props, costumes, and a set, in just half an hour.

Emphasizing that “Learning should lead to transformation”, Shri. Paul Mathew’s Corporate Theatre helped students with self-learning, teamwork and appreciation.

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