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New Ph.D. Level Course: Leading with Executive Function

November 1, 2022 - 3:33
New Ph.D. Level Course: Leading with Executive Function

“Leading With Executive Functions” is a new PhD level course that kicked off with an engaging and thought provoking seminar by Suceta Kamath, CEO of ExQ on September 25, 2022. Her presentation explained how building executive functioning skills are critical for both personal and professional success.

The course is designed to present the neuroscience of Executive Function, cognitive psychology of effective communication and evidence-based strategies to improve these abilities directly and explicitly so that professionals can cultivate the necessary self-awareness and critical thinking skills essential to help themselves and others to self-discover, strategize and self-monitor for learning and life

Open to PhD students and AMMACHI Labs and CWEGE staff, the course runs this semester at the Amrita School of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The SBBS has undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral programs in fields of social work.

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