The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the gaps in advanced medical care training. DiShA is a platform designed and developed by CREATE. This project addresses the gaps by developing a medical simulation platform with virtual patient cases for critical care, the first in India. It is a part of Reaching, Impact Saturation and Epidemic Control (RISE), a global project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Jhpiego (John Hopkins affiliate). The project will be a joint effort between Amrita CREATE, School of Computing Amritapuri, School of Business Amritapuri, and School of Medicine Kochi.
Some of the highlights of the platform include:
Impact of VR technology in Critical Care
Accelerates learning curve by replicating real-life clinical emergencies
Fast tracks capacity building in trained health care providers to develop rapid skill development
Context-specific solutions that address competency-gaps in different roles (clinicians, nurses & technicians)
Identify appropriate and timely usage of existing facilities in critical care medicine