Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Medical and Dental Case Reports
Source : International Journal of Medical and Dental Case Reports (2019), 4 Pages
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Dentistry
Year : 2019
Abstract : Submucous brosis of the oral cavity will not regress on its own. Fibrotic band release by surgery is necessary to enable mouth opening. Once trismus has established that the role of medical treatment is limited. Over the years, dierent methods have been tried with varying rates of success to relieve trismus, of which lasers with biostimulation have gained importance. It is a non-invasive, painless, less time consuming, and an alternative to laser-assisted berotomy. Hence, the aim is to present the innovative opportunities of biostimulation using diode laser in managing oral submucous brosis (OSMF) and to present new challenging indications of this technology for daily practice. A male patient reported with a complaint of burning mouth along with restricted mouth opening and weight loss for 2 years. There were palpable brous bands in the upper and lower labial and buccal mucosa. The patient was scheduled for laser-assisted photobiostimulation and was recalled at the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 30th days. After 1 month, there was a signicant improvement in mouth opening. The patient resumed his normal chewing habits and reported no burning sensation. Thus, the study has proved that biostimulation with diode lasers can form an integral part in treating OSMF. In the modern era, the advent of lasers in the eld of dentistry has led to enormous improvements in clinical conditions, leading to faster healing, minimal scarring, and also improving patient comfort.
Cite this Research Publication : Biostimulation with diode lasers: A novel futuristic approach in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis – A case report. International Journal of Medical and Dental Case Reports (2019), 4 Pages