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Cranial Chordoma

Publisher :JAPI

Kautilya’s mandal as an international system, Monograph

Authors : J. Bandyapadhyaya, A. Mukherjee

Publisher :Monograph, School of Int’l Relations & Strategic Studies

Optimal Binary Search Tree and its performance under prolonged Random updates

Authors : M. R. Kaimal,, A. P. Korah,

Publisher :Proceedings of the Third Kerala Science Congress, pp. 386 – 390, 1991.

Detection of HSV1 DNA segments in human oral cancer biopsies by dot-blot and in-situ DNA hybridisation techniques

Authors : Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan, Raghunath, P.N, Shanavas, K.R, Vijayakumar, T., Antony, A.

Publisher :Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research

Basic Issues in Municipal Finance in India

Authors : shyam nath

Publisher :Urban India: Journal of Urban Affairs

Brain Stem Death – The Real Moment of Death

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher :J Indian Acad Forensic Med

Antifeedants from Pimpinella monoica

Authors : D. L. Luthria, V. Ramkrishnan, Asoke Banerji

Publisher :Insect Science and Its Application

Altered phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C and Adenylyl Cyclase in Brain Cortical Membranes of cats with GM1 and GM2 gangliosidosis

Authors : Enrique Claro, Michael A Wallace, John N Fain, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Tarun B Patel, Gouri Shanker, Henry J Baker

Publisher :Elsevier

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