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Low valent titanium in organic synthesis: Synthesis of diarylalkanes from o-hydroxyaromatic keto compounds

Authors : Nayak, SK, Asoke Banerji

Publisher :India National Science Academy

On the Measurement of Unemployment

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul

Publisher :Elsevier

Linker mutagenesis of a bacterial fatty acid transport protein. Identification of domains with functional importance.

Authors : Geetha B Kumar, Black, PN

Publisher :Journal of Biological Chemistry

Kinetics of NK cell activity during tumor development in a mouse model

Authors : Suresh, K., Dr. Damodaran Vasudevan

Publisher :Cancer Journal

Insect control by biotechnical procedures – Lessons from plant kingdom

Authors : Asoke Banerji

Publisher :Insect Chemical Ecology (Ed. I. Hrdy)

Inhibition of Hepatic Adenylate Cyclase by NADH

Authors : Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Tarun B Patel

Publisher :Elsevier

An index of relative deprivation

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul

Publisher :Economics Letters

Increase in the Number of Atrial Natriuretic Hormone Receptors in Regenerating rat Liver.

Authors : Dr. Bipin G. Nair, L Steinke, Y M Yu, H M Rashed, J M Seyer, T B Patel

Publisher :Journal of Biological Chemistry

Income Inequality Adjusted Growth Rates

Authors : Dr. Satya Paul, Rao, B.

Publisher :Australian Economic Papers

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