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Fault Recovery Mechanisms using checkpoint in Grid Environment

Publisher :International Conference on future Engineering Trends

The association of Jak-2 V617f mutation with polycythemia rubra vera in Asian Indians

Authors : Ganesan TS, Unnikrishnan A, Sreedharan S, Jose W, Palaniappan M, Prabhu R, Unni M, Pavithran K, Bhaskaran S

Phase II study of Lenalidomide and short course Dexamethasone in Newly detected Multiple Myeloma

Authors : T S Ganesan , Jose W, Palaniappan M, Abdul Majeed, Kishore Kumar, K. Pavithran

Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura in acute hepatitis A-A report and review of literature

Authors : Jose, W., Kumar, K., Unnikrishnan, A., Palaniappan, M., Nair, A., Pavithran, K.

Publisher :Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology and Hematology

Umbilical metastasis: a case series of four Sister Joseph nodules from four different visceral malignancies

Authors : Pavithran K, Palaniappan M, Jose WM, Mehta A, Kumar K

Publisher :Current Oncology

Osteochondritis dissecans of Talus

Publisher :Orthopedics today

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