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Rasa Kamadhenu-An Overview

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International journal of Current Research (IJCR)

Pharmaceutico-Analytical Comparison of Daruharidra Arka and Kwatha as Ascotana Drug

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP)

Standardization of the Preparation of a Herbo-Mineral Formulation Swasananda Gulika

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Ayurveda Medical journal (IAMJ)

A Review on Rasayana Effect of Mrdvikadi Lehya with Analytical Evaluation

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (IJCMPR)

A Review Article on Kshetrikarana – Sarirashodhana in Rasashastra

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Pharma Research and Review (IJPRR)

A Review Article on the Role of Some Classical Ayurvedic Formulations in the Management of Cancer

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Review and Research (IJPSRR)

In-Silico Studies in Herbal Drugs: A Review

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine

Shiva Gutika- A Critical Approach to its Pharmacological Action

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (IJCMPR)

Effectiveness of Ayurvedic Treatment in Acute Renal Failure in Bites of Vipera Russeli-A Study Proposal for a Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine(J-AIM)

Modification of Milk Decoction (Ksheera Paka) of Tribulus Terrestris in to Dehydrated Milk Powder- A Proposed Techonology Integration

Authors : Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine(J-AIM)

Effective Threshold Defence against DOS Attack on SDN Controller

Authors : Akhil Raj, Anjali S Bhat, Leena Vishnu Namboothiri

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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