What would you advice to someone who is about to start a Ph.D. program?
A PH.D. is a marathon not a sprint – Do not think how quickly you can finish a Ph.D. Find your pace that works for you. Be disciplined in terms of how you write, do your classes & assignments, develop your research plan, etc.
Take care in choosing your program – When exploring the right doctoral program, make sure to carefully explore the curriculum, faculty, potential for receiving scholarships, do you have teaching opportunities, and related things.
Use your Coursework to Explore Possible Thesis Ideas- If one is doing a Ph.D. program that includes extensive coursework, try whenever possible to start exploring thesis ideas.
Attend conference and Publish Papers – Do at least one major conference a year. It develops you contacts, get feedback, and learn what is happening in your field.
Apply for Funding – Most good programs will provide funding (3–5 years) for eligible doctoral students. You can take the opportunity to its fullest.
Look at the Job Market frequently – A Ph.D. helps you to get an exciting career. Ensure to look at the marketplace of career opportunities in your field and other career paths such as the private sector, policy, government, foundations, social enterprise, etc.
The best dissertation is a done dissertation – Too many people try to do a magnum opus and solve huge questions in their dissertation. However, be precise and narrow it down to give solutions to your research problem