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Faculty Development Programs(FDP) Conducted
  • Three day Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Image Processing” delivered by   Dr. Renu M R (IIT, Mandi) during December 15-17,  2014.
  • Three day Faculty Development Program, a workshop on Electronic Circuits during August 12 – 14, 2013.
  • A faculty development program on Analog and Digital VLSI Design Using Cadence Tools during May 12 – 14, 2011.
  • A faculty development program on ASIC Design Using Design Compiler and Prime Time Synopsys Tools during September 20 – 22, 2010.
  • A faculty development program on Introduction to High speed MAC design on August 16, 2010.
  • A faculty development program on Soft‐core Processor Implementation in FPGA December 31, 2009.
  • A talk on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) & Applications by Mr Nithin Nagaraj., on December 30, 2009.
  • A faculty development program on Hands on Session on SVD using MATLAB on December 30, 2009.
  • A faculty development program on Wavelets and its application in signal processing by Mr. Sinith M.S., on December 29, 2009.
  • A faculty development program on Introduction to Signal Processing by Mr. Nithin Nagaraj on December 28, 2009.
  • A workshop on Digital Communication during January 24 – 26, 2009.
Workshops and Seminars Conducted



  • A session on “How to prepare project proposals for various funding agencies” by Dr Shyam Diwakar( was conducted on 1st April, 2023 for all faculty and research scholars.
  • A one day symposium and exhibition “Next Gen Sustainable Automotive Technologies” was conducted on Dec 7, 2023 as part of SMART centre’s initiatives. This dynamic event brought together top industry experts, thought leaders, and professionals in the field of sustainable automotive technologies ensuring a rich and diverse range of perspectives. We also had the Electric Vehicles exhibition on the same day with popular EV brands showcasing their vehicles.
  • “BIOMIM’EXPO” – a poster exposition showcasing the fascinating realm of Nature-Inspired Engineering organised by S1 EAC Students on 7th December, 2023 as part of the Course 23ECE101:Nature Inspired Engineering under the guideship of Dr Parvathi A K (ECE).
  • IEEE SB, Amritapuri Campus in association with HuT Labs is hosting a poster presentation by S4 EAC students in the ground floor lobby, opposite to the lift during lunch tomorrow (July 05). This poster presentation is part of their coursework Microprocessor and Microcontroller.
  •  Alumni meet 2023
  • Workshops as part of Vidyut 2023
  • A talk on “Fault Modelling in Digital Integrated Circuits: Past, Present, and Future”  by Dr. Bhargab Bhattacharya who had been on the standing faculty of Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, for more than 35 years was conducted on 4th December, 2023.
  • By Amma’s grace and hard work of the students and their mentor, nine students of ECE dept., along with their mentor Dr. Rajesh Kannan Megalingam got into the finals of International Design Contest IDC Robocon 2023.
  • HuT Labs and IEEE Student Branch of Amritapuri Campus congratulates all the students who are part of HuT Labs and also IEEE student members for this significant achievement.
  • The final round of the prestigious International Design Contest (IDC) RoboCon 2023 is to be held at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand from Aug 7th – 20th, 2023. Students from all over the world from 15 different countries are taking part in this contest.
  • From India only students from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham got the opportunity to take part. Our students have been winning prizes consecutively in this contest for the past five years.
  • 12 students from HuT Labs, got into various masters and PhD programs in top US and Singapore universities this year. Five students got into top 50 ranking universities and five with scholarships.
  • Konda Reddy T (ECE 2021) – MS in Business Analytics, Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business, PA, USA, Partial Scholarship
  • Gaurav R (ECE 2023)- PhD program (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA., Fully Funded
  • Aditya Ashvin (ECE 2023) – MS in Computer Science, University of Southern California, CA, USA
  •  Deepika Asandi (ECE 2023) -MS in Data Analytics, Tufts University, Boston, USA, Partial Scholarship
  • Amal Sujith (ECE 2021) – MS in Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) , USA
  • Sankardas K S (ECE 2022) -MS in Biomedical Engineering, Arizona State University, AZ, USA
  • Aravind P (ME 2021) -MS in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Arizona State University, AZ, USA
  • Mallika Golla (ECE 2021) – MS in Information Systems, University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA
  • Rohith Inti (ECE 2021) – MS in VLSI, Portland State University, Oregan, USA
  • Nishith P (ECE 2023) – MS in Data Science, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
  • K Sai Smaran (ECE 2023) -MS in NanoElectronics Engineering and Design, Dual Degree – CGU, Taiwan and SUTD, Singapore, Fully Funded
  •  Nithul B (ECE 2023) – MS in NanoElectronics Engineering and Design, Dual Degree – CGU, Taiwan and SUTD, Singapore, Fully Funded
  •  Student researcher at HuTLabs and BTech ECE 2023 passout student and IEEE SB Secretary 2022, Gaurav Rudravaram secured admission into full time PhD program (Electrical and Computer Engineering) with full scholarship and stipend of 35000 USD per year, from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  • One day workshop on “From Fourier to wavelets and beyond” on 8th August 2015. The workshop focussed on Compressed Sensing and Sparse Signal Representation ,Practical applications of the idea discussed using MATLAB. Talk was delivered by Dr. Nithin Nagraj (NIAS, IISc, Bengaluru.)
  • Fifteen days workshop on Cadence conducted during June 2015, handled by Dr. Purushothaman A of ECE Department. This workshop enabled the students to build a strong foundation on Cadence.
  • A workshop on CMOS VLSI DESIGN during June 10 – 23, 2013.
  • Two day workshop on Digital and Analog ASIC Design using CADENCE tools in association with AMRITA & Cadence during May 12 – 14, 2011. This workshop enabled the students to develop a strong foundation on ASIC design flow.
  • Analog and Digital VLSI Design supported by Cadence during May 12 – 14, 2011.
  • Workshop on PIC Microcontrollers conducted by IEEE student branch – The workshop conducted during Feb – March 2011, covered the fundamentals of the PIC microcontroller family’s architecture (specifically PIC 16F87XA) and instruction set.
  • Workshop on Digital Communication – The workshop focused on understanding the innovative side of Digital Communication, Wavelet, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) & Applications and Soft-core processor implementation in FPGA (Jan 24 – 26, 2011).
  • With the support of IEEE Kerala section the department conducted IEEE Annual LINK F2F MEET on March 6, 2011 – By this workshop students came to know about IEEE Kerala Section and its function, how to apply for IEEE funding.
  • ASIC Design Using Design Compiler and Prime Time Synopsys Tools funded by Synopsis in September 2010.
  • IEEE STAC Workshop on Introduction to Digital Design Using HDL – The workshop was conducted in August 2010 and helped the students to lay strong basics on VLSI, HDL Design and Verilog HDL.
  • Five day workshop on Digital ASIC Design using Synopsys Tools conducted by AMRITA & D’gipro in August 2010. This workshop provided the students, a solid understanding about Digital ASIC Design flow.
  • Introduction to High speed MAC design conducted by ECE department in August 2010.
  • PICTris 2009 – an Intra School Workshop on PIC Microcontrollers, organized by the IEEE student chapter during October 19 – 23, 2009.
  • A talk on Recent Trends in Power Systems on January 16, 2009.
  • A three day seminar on Basic Electrodynamics during September 22 – 24, 2008.
IEEE Student Branch

In order to enhance the technical expertise of students and facilitate further technical growth, an IEEE Student Branch (SB) was formed and has been actively functioning in the Institute since 2008. The student branch conducts various workshops and seminars. Its aim is to develop an acquaintance with recent technology and current industry trends and to develop professional skills.

Since 2012, IEEE student branch has been conducting Symposium on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ISEE). It aims at bringing various academic disciplines under a single forum. It consists of various science and technology based lectures and workshops. Workshops at  ISEE aims to educate students with knowledge other than subjects in their curriculum through these workshops.

In 2015 ISEE conducted a wide variety of workshops such as:

  • Launch Vehicle Technology and Human Space flight
  • From Fourier to wavelets and beyond
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Robotics and Interactive Computing
  • Embedded System Design using TIVATM C Series
  • Monitoring Environment using Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Introduction to IoT
  • Introducion to Python and Basics of Hacking using Python

ISEE 2014 workshops include:

  • Session on Embedded systems and Networking
  • Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Image Understanding
  • Session on Modelling Electro-Mechanical Energy-Conversion
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Bio-Inspired Computing Track
  • ·Introduction to CMOS Digital Circuit Design
  • ·Entrepreneurship workshop and seminar

In 2013 also, ISEE conducted various workshops and/or seminars by prominent personalities all over the world on Industrial Electronics, Robotics, Networking, Signal processing, Cloud Computing and Entrepreneurships. »»

IEEE Student Branch, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham conducted 6 workshops during 2008 – 2011.

  • Seminar on USB 2.0 conducted during 15 – 22, Sep 2011.
  • PICTris 2011 – Workshop on PIC Microcontrollers during Feb 21 – 25, 2011.
  • ECLECTIC’11, IEEE Kerala Section LINK Program in March 2011.
  • Students Technical Awareness Campaign (STAC)- Introduction to Digital Design using HDL in Aug 2010.
  • IEEE PIC EXCEL’10 – National Workshop on PIC Microcontrollers during 27 – 29 March, 2010.
  • IEEE PIC EXCEL’08 – National Workshop on PIC Microcontrollers in July 2008.
  • In July 2012 Amrita IEEE Student Branch conducted IEEE Symposium on Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship (ISEE 2012).

IEEE has approved the formation of five student chapters under Amrita IEEE SB (Student Branch).

  • Robotics and Automation society chapter
  • Industry Application Society chapter
  • Education Society chapters
  • IEEE Signal Processing Society chapter (SPS) and
  • IEEE Industrial Electronic Society chapter (IES).

With this the number of society chapters under the SB has gone upto five. This Institution is the only Student Branch in Kerala with five student society chapters.

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