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Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty

Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Kochi

Qualification: MBBS, MD


Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty currently serves as Associate Professor at the Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Kochi.



Journal Article

Year : 2018


Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty, .N, S., and Dr. Geetha S.G., “MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF THE BONY ORBIT”, Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences , vol. 7(26):3028-3031, 2018.

Publisher : Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences

Year : 2015

Anatomical Study of Extensor Tendons of Medial Four Fingers in Adults and Fetuses-A Cadaveric Study

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty, V, R., and Ky, M., “Anatomical Study of Extensor Tendons of Medial Four Fingers in Adults and Fetuses-A Cadaveric Study”, People's Journal of scientific research, vol. (PJSR) 2015;8(1):01-13. , 2015.

Publisher : People's Journal of scientific research

Year : 2015

Junctura tendinae in the first intermetacarpal space: A case report

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty, K.Y, M., and Veeramani, R., “Junctura Tendinae in the First Intermetacarpal Space: A Case Report”, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, vol. 9(9), 2015.

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Year : 2014

A Morphological Study of Juncturae Tendinae of Hand in Adults and Fetuses

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Biju Urumese Palatty, V, R., and Manjunath, K. Y., “A Morphological Study of Juncturae Tendinae of Hand in Adults and Fetuses”, People's Journal of scientific research (PJSR). , vol. 7(1):12-16., 2014.

Publisher : People's Journal of scientific research (PJSR). ,

Year : 2013

Anatomical variations in the musculocutaneous nerve

Cite this Research Publication : M. T and Palatty, B. Urumese, “Anatomical variations in the musculocutaneous nerve”, Indian Journal of Scholarly Research, 2013.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Scholarly Research

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