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Course Detail

Course Name Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Theory
Program Pharm. D.
Semester Three & Four
Year Taught 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018


‘Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Theory’ is a course offered in the second year of Pharm. D. program at School of Pharmacy, Health Sciences campus, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Scope & Objectives

Course Duration: 3 Hrs./Week


Microbiology has always been an essential component of pharmacy curriculum. This is because of the relevance of microbiology to pharmaceutical sciences and more specifically to pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical biotechnology is the logical extension of pharmaceutical microbiology, which is expected to change the complete drug product scenario in the future.

This course deals with the various aspects of microorganisms, its classification, morphology, laboratory cultivation identification and maintenance. Its also discusses with sterilization of pharmaceutical products, equipment, media etc. The course further discusses the immunological preparations, diseases its transmission, diagnosis, control and immunological tests.

Objectives of the Subject

Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to –

  1. Know the anatomy, identification, growth factors and sterilization of microorganisms;
  2. Know the mode of transmission of disease causing microorganism, symptoms of disease, and treat- ment aspect;
  3. Do estimation of RNA and DNA and there by identifying the source;
  4. Do cultivation and identification of the microorganisms in the laboratory;
  5. Do identification of diseases by performing the diagnostic tests; and
  6. Appreciate the behavior of motility and behavioral characteristics of microorganisms.

Course Materials

Text books (Theory)

  1. Vanitha Kale and Kishor Bhusari “ Applied Microbiology ” Himalaya Publishing house Mumbai.
  2. Mary Louis Turgeon “ Immunology and Serology in Laboratory Medicines” 2nd edition, 1996 Mosby- Year book inc St. Louis Missouri 63146.
  3. Harsh Mohan, “ Text book of Pathology” 3rd edition, 1998, B-3 Ansari road Darya ganj N. Delhi.

Reference Books (Theory)

  1. Prescot L.M., Jarley G.P Klein D.A “Microbiology” 2nd- edition Mc Graw Hill Company Inc
  2. Rawlins E.A.”Bentley’s Text Book of Pharmaceutics” B ailliere Tindals 24-28 London 1988
  3. Forbisher “ Fundamentals of Microbiology” Philidelphia W.B. Saunders.
  4. Prescott L.M. Jarley G.P., Klein.D.A. “ Microbiology.”2nd edition WMC Brown Publishers, Oxford. 1993
  5. War Roitt, Jonathan Brostoff, David male, “ Immunology”3rd edition 1996, Mosby-year book Europe Ltd, London.
  6. Pharmacopoeia of India, Govt of India, 1996.

Lecture Wise Program

Title of the topic

  1. Introduction to the science of microbiology. Major divisions of microbial world and Relationship among them.
  2. Different methods of classification of microbes and study of Bacteria, Fungi, virus, Rickettsiae, Spirochetes.
  3. Nutritional requirements, growth and cultivation of bacteria and virus. Study of different important media required for the growth of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria & fungi. Differential media, enriched media and selective media, maintenance of lab cultures.
  4. Different methods used in isolation and identification of bacteria with emphasis to different staining techniques and biochemical reactions. Counting of bacteria -Total and Viable counting techniques.
  5. Detailed study of different methods of sterilization including their merits and demerits. Sterilization methods for all pharmaceutical products. Detailed study of sterility testing of different pharmaceutical preparations . Brief information on Validation.
  6. Disinfectants- Study of disinfectants, antiseptics, fungicidal and virucidal agents factors affecting their activation and mechanism of action. Evaluation of bactericidal, bacteristatic, , virucidal activities, eval- uation of preservatives in pharmaceutical preparations.
  7. Immunology- Immunity, Definition, Classification, General principles of natural immunity, Phagocy- tosis, acquired immunity( active and passive ) . Antigens, chemical nature of antigens structure and formation of Antibodies, Antigen-Antibody reactions. Bacterial exotoxins and endotoxins. Significance of toxoids in active immunity, Immunization programme, and importance of booster dose.
  8. Diagnostic tests : Schick’s Test, Elisa test, Western Blot test, Southern Blot PCR Widal, QBC, Mantaux Peripheral smear. Study of malarial parasite.
  9. Microbial culture sensitivity Testing: Interpretation of results Principles and methods of different mi- crobiological assays, microbiological assay of Penicillin, Streptomycin and vitamin B2 and B12. Stan- dardisation of vaccines and sera.
  10. Study of infectious diseases: Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Cholera, Hepatitis, Meningitis, Syphilis & Gonorrhea and HIV.

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