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SANKALP – Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion
The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India in collaboration with the World Bank has created the “SANKALP” project (Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion). . .

Research Areas : Education & Gender Equality

Ayurveda Clinical e-learning Web Platform (AyurCeL)
Funded by Rashtriya Ayurved Vidyapeeth, Ministry of AYUSH, the Ayurveda Clinical e-Learning (AYURCeL) project aims to create a web platform to showcase the clinical experiences of successful Ayurveda clinicians in. . .
Regulation of Inflammation by Natural Product extracts: Role in osteoclastogenesis
Inflammation is the body’s endeavor at self-defense, the intent being to eradicate harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens and begin the healing process.  It is one of the. . .
Development of a Lab-on-a-Chip (LoC) for detection of Glucose, Cholesterol and Kidney Function
The proposed work envisages the fabrication of microfluidic lab-on-a-chip (LOC) module for non-enzymatic sensing of glucose, cholesterol and creatinine using a single device. This consists of a disposable LOC and. . .
Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Formation in Microbial Pathogenesis
When encountering a new host, every potential microbial pathogen can stay, acquire nutrients, colonize and then seek another host.  Alternatively the pathogen could express its full battery of virulence factors,. . .

PI : Dr. Bipin Kumar G. Nair

Research Areas : Education & Gender Equality

AI-Powered Coconut Dehusker
The AI-powered coconut Dehusker machine is an innovative solution designed to streamline and enhance the coconut dehusking process. This machine uses advanced artificial intelligence to analyze the properties of each. . .
Warehouse & Inspection (WIR) RoboT
The WIR is an innovative tele-operated mobile robot designed for search and inspection. Its multi-terrain driving capability, featuring a track belt between the wheels, allows it to navigate various surfaces,. . .
Bhuja: A 6-DOF Robotic Arm
Bhuja is a six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) robotic arm designed for precision robotic applications. It features three control modes: operation via the Teach Pendant, control through the AMC (Arm Master Controller), and. . .
NETRAVAAD Device is an innovative assistive communication system designed to empower individuals with speech impairments by enabling communication through eye movement recognition. It provides a non-invasive, user-friendly solution for individuals. . .
Centres for Antimicrobial Optimisation Network (CAMO-NET) Optimising Antimicrobial Use To Address The Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance
CAMO-Net represents the future of equitable global collaboration. As a national hub in India, our objective is to conduct research for optimising antimicrobial use in humans through three interlinked themes. . .

Amrita Research Center Delhi NCR
Amrita Research Center Delhi NCR

Amrita Research Center Delhi NCR, is a leading biomedical innovation hub, translating scientific discoveries into solutions that improve patient ...

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Advanced Communications and Networks Research
Advanced Communications and Networks Research

School of Engineering Bangalore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has established state of art laboratory/centre for cutting edge research and development ...

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Amrita Technology Enabling Center
Amrita Technology Enabling Center

Technology Enabling Centre at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was established with the support of Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. ...

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Amrita Coconut Research and Development Center
Amrita Coconut Research and Development Center

ACORD (Amrita Coconut Research and Development Center) is an engineering research lab developing intelligent robots and AI solutions to revolutionize ...

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Cardiovascular Disease Biology
Cardiovascular Disease Biology

Cardiac hypertrophy is the first and foremost element in cardiac remodeling that occurs due to sustained hemodynamic load imposed by hypertension.

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Amrita Mind Brain Center
Amrita Mind Brain Center

At the Amrita Mind Brain Center, we explore the brain and mind organization and function using experimental methods, computational neuroscience, and ...

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