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Unit 1

Types of bonding in solids, Crystallography and crystalline defects: Crystallography, Directions and planes, Crystalline defects, line defects, Planar defects, Volume defects; Binary and Ternary Phase Diagrams: Lever rule and phase rule, Eutectic, peretectic and Eutectoid systems, Applications of Phase diagrams; Basic Quantum Physics – atomic structure, Use of band theory and occupation statistics to explain existence and basic properties of metals and nonmetals. Working of Semiconductor Devices using band diagrams and their electrical characteristics: pn junctions, BJT, MOSFET.

Unit 2

Use of band theory to explain optoelectronic properties of materials and optoelectronic devices: LEDs, Solar Cells, Lasers, pin diodes, photodiodes; Magnetic properties and Superconductivity: Magnetic moments and Magnetic Permeability, types of magnetism, saturation magnetization, magnetic domains, soft and hard magnetic materials, superconductivity and its origin, Giant Magneto Resistance, Josephson effect, Energy band diagrams and Magnetism, Applications of magnetic materials – Magnetic recording materials, etc.

Unit 3

Optical Properties of Materials: Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, Refractive Index, Snells Law, Light Absorption and Emission, Light Scattering, Luminescence, Polarization, Anisotropy,Birefringerence; Dielectric Properties of Materials: Polarization and Permittivity, Mechanisms of polarization, dielectric properties – dielectric constant, dielectric loss, dielectric strength and breakdown, Piezoelectricity, Ferreoelectricity, and Pyroelectricity, Dielectric Materials

Text Books

  • S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, 2006, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill.


  • D. Jiles: Introduction to the Electronic Properties of Materials, Chapman & Hall. 1994.

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