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Course Detail

Course Name Aerospace Structures II
Course Code 15 AES 303
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Semester Five
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Introduction to theory of elasticity: equilibrium equations, boundary conditions, constitutive relations, plane stress and plane strain conditions, stress and displacement formulations, strain compatibility relation, governing equations, inverse and semi-inverse methods, Airy’s stress function, Torsion in non-circular bars, Prandtl stress function, St. Venant warping function, membrane analogy, torsion in narrow rectangular section.

Unit 2

Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam theories, bi-directional bending, bending and transverse shear stresses, bending stresses in narrow rectangular section, general symmetric sections, and thin-walled sections, flexural shear flows (FSF), FSF in thin-walled open sections, shear center in open sections.

Unit 3

Torsional shear flows (TSF) in thin-walled open sections, TSF in thin-walled closed sections (single and multiple cells) and warping in open and closed thin-walled sections, FSF in thin-walled closed sections (single and multi-cells) and shear center in closed sections, buckling of non-symmetrical sections and buckling of thin-walled sections.

Text Books

  1. C. T. Sun, “Mechanics of Aircraft structures”, John Wiley & sons, New York, 2006


  • Megson, T. H. G., “Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students”, Butterworth-Heinemann, USA, 2007
  • Peery, D. J., and Azar, J. J., “Aircraft Structures”, 2nd edition, McGraw–Hill, New York, 1993.
  • Bruhn. E. H. “Analysis and Design of Flight vehicles Structures”, Tri – state off set company, USA, 1985.
  • Rivello, R. M., “Theory and analysis of flight structures” McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.

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