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Course Detail

Course Name Project Based Learning – Phase I
Course Code 15CHE391
Program B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering
Semester Five
Year Taught 2019


Students will study a core Chemical engineering elective and discuss the theoretical (analytical and design) aspects of the subject matter. A minimum of two homework assignments will be given.

At the beginning of the semester, the instructor in consultation with the project group, will assign a project topic (from the elective selected) so that it covers the key concepts associated with the elective subject.

The projects could be based on design, process operational understanding, process optimization, mathematical representation of process, flowsheet simulations, or a research question aimed at developing new understanding on a topic or any other innovative topic.

By the end of the semester the student must submit a report with project objective(s), project plan, methodology, any special requirements (in terms of materials, equipment, and software), and key areas of learning – in consultation with the instructor.

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