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Journal Article

Swarnaprashana And Swarnamritaprashana-For Health and Wellbeing of Children: A Review

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Shailaja U, Vijayalaxmi Mallannavar, Nayan Kumar S, Manasa GH.

Effect of Ayurveda treatment modalities in motor disabilities of children with cerebral palsy: A pilot clinical study

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Shailaja Uppinakuduru, G. R. Arun Raj, Prasanna N. Rao1, Mangala Jyothsna, Vijayalaxmi Mallannavar, Nayan K. Subrahmanya

Ayurvedic Understanding and Management Of Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine) In Children – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Shailaja.U, Anoop A.S, Pabbisetti Venkata Lakshmi Sujana, Ashik Salim

Ayurvedic Understanding And Management Of Down Syndrome – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Shailaja.U, Anoop A.S, Vijayalaxmi Mallannavar, Reshma K Raj

Ayurvedic Understanding And Management Of Kaphaja Kasa In Children – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Shailaja.U, Anoop A.S, Manasa GH, Pabbisetti Venkata Lakshmi Sujana

Ayurvedic Understanding And Management Of Vibandha (Constipation) In Children – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Kannan Sagar, Shailaja. U, Anoop. A. S, Ganga. N, Nagarathna. S

Ayurvedic Understanding and Management Of Friedreich Ataxia – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, Shailaja.U, Anoop A.S, Manjunath Adiga, Nayan Kumar.S

Effect of Swarnamritaprashana on growth and development in Indian toddlers

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, GR, Arun & Uppinakudru, Shailaja & Mohan, Kavya & Narendran, Ganga

Swarnaprashana to Swarnamritaprashana: Experience inspired modification through ages

Authors : Dr. Kannan Sagar, GR, Arun & Uppinakudru, Shailaja & Viswaroopan, Deepthi & Subrahmanya, Nayan

A case study on Ayurvedic management of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 

Authors : Dr. Abhitha A, Dr. Prasanna N. Mogasaleand Dr. Arun Kumar

Publisher : WJPMR

An observational clinico etiological study of Kushta with specific reference to Tinea corporis

Authors : Dr. Abhitha A, Arunkumar M, Nagaraj S, & Sandesh Kumar Shetty

Publisher : JAIMS

A Review of Nyaya and Its Utility in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Meera E., Shrikanth P.H.

Publisher : IAMJ

Ayurveda Darśana – Unique Independent School Of Thought – A Conceptual Review

Authors : Dr. Devi M, Prof. Ramadas P.V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. C. Usha Kumari

Publisher : Veda Samskrita Academy – Journal Of Veda Samskrita Academy

A Review on the role Of Nyāyās (Maxims) in understanding Ayurveda Samhitha’s

Authors : Dr. Devi M, Dr. C. Usha Kumari

Publisher : Pratyabhijñā – The Research Journal (UGC CARE listed) of Department of Sanskrit Sahitya, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala

Lexicographic Conventions in Ayurveda And Scope of Specialised Lexicons

Authors : Dr. Devi M, Prof. Ramadas P.V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. C. Usha Kumari

Publisher : Kiranavali, (UGC CARE listed) Journal Of Sanskrit Research Foundation

An Observational Study To Assess The Structural Changes In Janusandhi Of Patients Presenting With Kneejoint Pain

Authors : Dr Anjana P, Pralhad D Subbannavar

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

Integrative oncology: Addressing the global challenges of cancer prevention and treatment.

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Mao JJ, Pillai GG, Andrade CJ, Ligibel JA, Basu P, Cohen L, Khan IA, Mustian KM, Dhiman KS, Lao L, Ghelman R, Cáceres Guido P, Lopez G, Gallego-Perez DF, Salicrup LA.

Publisher : Wiley Periodicals LLC

Cosmetic Sense of Ayurveda -A review

Authors : Dr. K. Parameswaran Namboothiri

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Relevance of Ayurveda’s Whole Systems Approach to Health and Disease Management

Authors : Dr. P. Ram Manohar, Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana; Kishor Patwardhan; Prasad Mangalath; Christian S. Kessler; Rama Jayasundar; Anupama Kizhakkeveettil; Antonio Morandi

Publisher : The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

A Protocol Based Approach in the Management of Amavata A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Aiswarya I. V.

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine

A Review on Ageing and Anti-Ageing Measures in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Shyam Vinayan, Dr. Meera E., Shrikanth P. H.

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

A case report on fistula-in-ano treated with apamarga ksharasutra and Agnikarma

Authors : Dr. Shyam Vinayan

Publisher : Abhinava Dhanwantari – Journal of Ayurveda

Ayurvedic clinical profile of COVID-19–A preliminary report

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Kataria, Sushila; Unnikrishnan, Pm; Prasad, M.; Nampoothiri, Vasudevan; Sharma, Pooja; Singh, Manish Kumar; Kumar, Kuldeep; Trehan, Naresh

Publisher : Elsevier

Prevention of metabolic risks by Kalabhojanam strategy of Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Neha Pandey Prakash, Vishnu Bali Mishra, Bhaswati Bhattacharya, Arvind Kumar, Y.S. Raghuram, Bhadresh Naik, Mahesh Kumar Dadhich, S. Gopakumar, Yamini Bhushan Tripathi, Satyendra Narayan Ojha, Girendra Singh Tomar, Jyoti Shanker Tripathi, Pawan Kumar Godatwar, Tanuja Nesari, Sanjeev Sharma, Shri Krishna Khandel, Madhaw Singh Baghel, Banwari Lal Gaur, Sanjeev Rastogi, Rajesh Kotecha, Deep Narayan Pandey

Publisher : , Association of Ayurvedic Physicians of India

Outcomes of Ayurvedic care in a COVID-19 patient with hypoxia – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Joshi, JA

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Significance of Natural Sleep and Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Health

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dr. Suramya Sures; Akhilesh Shukla; Dr. Haroon Irshad; Dr. Jaya Shankar Mund.

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy .

Understanding Swapna or Dream

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dhanya T; Ramadas P.V; Jaya Shankar Mund

Publisher : Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines (UJAHM)

Gramya Ahara Vihara

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Mund, J. Shankar

Publisher : Unique Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines (UJAHM)

Effective Threshold Defence against DOS Attack on SDN Controller

Authors : V. Leena, Akhil Raj; Anjali S. Bhat

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Effect of Gandharvahastadi eranda taila in Katigraha

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra, R. Priya, K., U. Pillai

Publisher : Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal

Maharasa-Its Controversies wsr to Grahya Lakshana

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Ayurveda Research (IJAAR)

An Ayurvedic View of Dietetic Rules as a Preventive and Curative Aspect to Manage the Lifestyle Disorder

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dash, D. Lopamudra, Mishra, D. Abhaya kum, and Mund, D. Jaya Shank

Publisher : International journal of Advanced Research and Review (IJARR),

An Overview on Plastic and its Impact in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR)

Therapeutic uses of Bees wax in Ayurveda and its Physic-chemical Analyses- A Review

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP)

Rasa Kamadhenu-An Overview

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International journal of Current Research (IJCR)

Pharmaceutico-Analytical Comparison of Daruharidra Arka and Kwatha as Ascotana Drug

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP)

A Review Article on Kshetrikarana – Sarirashodhana in Rasashastra

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Pharma Research and Review (IJPRR)

A Review on Rasayana Effect of Mrdvikadi Lehya with Analytical Evaluation

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (IJCMPR)

A Review Article on the Role of Some Classical Ayurvedic Formulations in the Management of Cancer

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Review and Research (IJPSRR)

In-Silico Studies in Herbal Drugs: A Review

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine

Shiva Gutika- A Critical Approach to its Pharmacological Action

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (IJCMPR)

Therapeutic Effect of Swarna(Gold) – A Review

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Literary Findings- International journal of multidisciplinary research(ijmr)

Effect of Darunakaroganashaka Arka in Darunaka-A Case Series

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : International Journal of ayu. And Herbal Medicine

Physico-Chemical Analysis of Darunakaroganashaka Arka (Amrabeejadi Arka)

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Int.J Ayu Pharma Chem, Greentree group publishers

Concept of Raseshwara Darshana (Philosophy on Mercurial System)

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research (JETIR).

Standardisation and Automation of Netra Seka Technique in Ayurvedic Drug Delivery System

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K., Dr. Ashwini B.N., Dr. P. Kanakasabapathy, AS Anoop; Netra pariseka Pariseka machine

Publisher : Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research

A pre and post-test study to assess the effect of Virechana in lowering lipid profile

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K., Dr. Ashwini B.N.

Publisher : Conference Abstract presented at Amrita Samyogam 2017, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Ayurvedic management of episodic tension headache – A case report

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K., Dr. Ashwini B.N.

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

A Case Report on Retinitis Pigmentosa and its Ayurvedic Management

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K., Dr. Ashwini B.N., Anandraman, PV; Shukla, Akhilesh; Prakesh, Sumita; Raman, Sundara

Publisher : Ayurveda Journal of Health

Ayurvedic Opthalmology an Approach through Holistic Diet and Regimen

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K.

Publisher : International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products (IJMPNP)

Variations in UV-Vis spectra of Hot and Cold infusions of Triphala choorna

Authors : Dr. Sushma, Dr. Prajeesh Nath E N, ; Minsha, MG; Sreelekshmi, R .

Publisher : J-AIM (Process) .

Fixing Basonym and Synonyms of Guduci (Tinospora cordifolia.(Thnub) Miers.) listed in early literature of Ayurveda – An Approach to Standardize Ayurvedic drug Nomenclature

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Aramya, A. R.; Nedungadi, Saideepa; Mani, Madhumita; Ram Manohar, Sujithra P .

Publisher : Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine .

Anti-hyperglycaemic Effect of Aegle marmelos (L.) in Animal Experiments-PRISMA based Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Preethi Mohan, Madhumita Kumar, Abhayakumar Misra

Publisher : Journal of Natural Remedies

Whither Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

Management of Butterfly Fracture of Pubic Ramus

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha

Management of Katigraha By Ghritatailadi Yoga

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha

Management of Fistula in Ano in Ancient Greek and Ayurvedic medicine – a historical Analysis

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Kasinath, S. B. R., Sethukrishna, E., Vasanthi, B., Sujithra, M., and Sehgal, A

Publisher : Indian Journal for History of Science, Indian National Science Academy

Effect of Nasya in Urdwa jatrugatah rogas

Authors : Dr. Jaya Shankar Mund

Publisher : Scientific journal of Panchakarma

Coconut in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : Indian Coconut Journal, Coconut Development Board

The Potential of Coconut in Manufacturing Ayurvedic Medicines

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : Indian Coconut Journal, Coconut Development Board

Conservative Management of Adenexal Cyst – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Ayurveda For Holistic Health, Jalandhar

Role of Karpura Ghrita in the Management of Wound

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha

Mustard and its uses in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Reshmi, P., and Rohini, S.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, NISCAIR

Clinical Study on the Management of Fracture with Abha-Guggulu

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha

Well controlled, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of classical Ayurvedic treatment are possible in rheumatoid arthritis

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, D. E. Furst, Venkatraman, M. M., Swamy, B. G. Krishna, McGann, M., Booth-LaForce, C., Sarin, R., Mahapatra, A., and Kumar, P. R. Krishna

Publisher : Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

Rujakara Marma – A conceptual review

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Siddaram, S. A., Hibare, R. K., Venkatesh, B. A., and Shringi, M. K.

Publisher : International Research Journal of Pharmacy

Efficacy of Agnikarma in the Management of Chronic Anal Fissure

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Otta, S. P., and Prashant, K

Publisher : e Journal of Indian medicine

Double-blind, Randomized, Controlled, Pilot Study Comparing Classic Ayurvedic Medicine, Methotrexate, and their combination in rheumatoid Arthritis

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, D. E. Furst, M. Manorama, V., McGann, M., Ram Manohar P., Booth-LaForce, C., Sarin, R., Sekar, P. G., Raveendran, K. G., Mahapatra, A., and Gopinath, J

Publisher : Journal of Clinical Rheumatology

Bala taila parisheka – a traditional approach in wound healing

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Otta, S.P.b; Siddram, A.c

Publisher : Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

Standardization and clinical evaluation of Nimba Ksharasutra in the management of Bhagandara (Fistula in ano)

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., S. Arawatti, Pragya, S.,Murthy, S., and Kushwaha, H. K.

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda Pharmacy

Online Indexing Service for Research Articles Published on Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Sujithra, R. M., Anita, M., and Sujith, E.

Publisher : BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

A Narrative Review of Research on Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Sujithra, R. M., Anita, M., and Sujith, E

Publisher : BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine

DHARA: Digital Helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Manohar, S. R., Mahapatra, A., and Eranezhath, S. S

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Comparative Clinical study of Jathyadi varti and Aragwadadi varti in the management of Nadi Vrana (Pilonidal sinus)

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Baslingappa, K., Shringi, M. K., Murthy, B. N., and Arawatti, S.

Publisher : International Research Journal of Pharmacy

Accounts of pathogenic organisms in the early texts of Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : Indian Journal for History of Science

Vyana Vata–The Mahajava

Authors : Dr. Sruthi S. Nambiar, Unnikrishnan, P. Vishnu, and Shivaprasad, C

Publisher : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine

The psychological and physical dimensions to Smriti

Authors : Dr. Sruthi S. Nambiar, Lakshmiprasad, J., and Shivaprasad, C.

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

Probiotics in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Verma, A., Pandey, B. B., and Verma, J. P

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

A Pilot Study of Agni karma on Frozen Shoulder (Avabahuka)

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Ayurveda Research – IJAAR

Memoirs of Vaidyas. The Lives and Practices of Traditional Medical Doctors in Kerala, India (7)

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Y. Tsutomu

Publisher : Indian Journal for History of Science, Indian National Science Academy

Importance of diet modification in autism

Authors : Dr. James Chacko

Publisher : Ayurpharm, IJAAS

Efficacy of Varunadi Kwath in the management of Kaphaja Ashmari(Vesical Phosphate Calculus) -A Clinical study

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Sarma, B., Baishya, M., and Verma, J. P

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

Efficacy of Kadalikanda swarasa in the management of Mutrashmari (Urolithiasis)- A clinical study

Authors : Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Veena, K., and Venkatesh, B. A

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

Ayurvedic Approach on Computer Vision Syndrome

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K., Dr. Ashwini B.N., Amaranth, H. K., and Ashwini B. N.

Publisher : IAMJ Journal

Understanding of Asatkaryavada in clinical application – A case study

Authors : Dr. Shyamasundaran K., Divya Jyothi; Vaidya, SM; Sriharsha, K V

Publisher : PunarnaV – An International Peer Reviewed Ayurved Journal

A Systemic Analysis on Psoriasis W.S.R to Ekakushta

Authors : Dr. Raiby P. Paul, D. Prasanth, Masram, P., Anup, T.

Publisher : Pharma Science Monitor

Punarjanma (Reincarnation): A Bird Eyeview

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Chetan, M.; Yaligar, M.G; Arun Raj, GR

Publisher : Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific innovation- JPSI

Posological Considerations of Ocimum sanctum (Tulasi) as per Ayurvedic Science and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, D. B. Narayana, Aramya, A. R., Sujithra, R. M., Mahapatra, A

Publisher : Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Impact Factor 0.479)

Pharmacognostical and Physico-Chemical Evaluation of Siddhartaka Choorna – A Poly Herbal Compound in the Management of Psoriasis

Authors : Dr. Raiby P. Paul, Prasanth, D., Chugh, D., Thakar, A. B

Publisher : International Journal Of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences

Method of Drug Discovery in the Classical Tradition of Ayurveda as a Preliminary Tool for Refinement of folklore knowledge of medicinal Plants

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Parvathy, M., Mathew, J., Aramya, A. R., Sujith, E., Sujithra, R. M., Anita, M.

Publisher : Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (Impact Factor 1.69)

Management of Vatarakta: A Case report

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Chavan Rashmi; Tripathy Tapas Brata; Srinath Vaidya

Publisher : JAPS

The effect of a herbal drink with dietary modification in dyslipidaemia

Authors : Dr. Delvin T. Robin

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines

A cross sectional study on presence of heavy metal content in Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa Linn.)

Authors : Dr. Preethi Mohan

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines

The Concept of Bhumidesha: Healthy and Diseased Perspective

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Chetan, M.; Yaligar, M.G; Arun raj

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

Comparative Effectiveness Research on Different Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Mahapatra, A., Joseph, M., Mohan, P., and Sujithra, R. M

Publisher : Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (Impact Factor 1.69)

Ayurvedic Approach on Sushakasipaka

Authors : Dr. Siva Balaji K., Dr. Ashwini B.N., Ashwini, B.N.

Publisher : International Journal on Researches in Alternative Medicines

Ayurgenomics:A new Research outlook

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Arun raj GR; Ajayan, S

Publisher : Pharmanest: An international Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Anutva and Ekatva of Manas

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, Suresh, S.

Publisher : Concept of mind in Nyayavaisheshika and Ayurveda, Proceedings of National Seminar

An analytical study on panchavalkala choorna-a poly herbal compound in the management of psoriasis

Authors : Dr. Raiby P. Paul, P. Dharmarajan, Thakar, A. B., Jani, S

Publisher : Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research

Understanding the Mode of Action of Bastikarma (Medicated Enema)

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal (AAMJ)

Review on anti ulcerogenic property of Kaidaryadi Kashayam- A traditional formulations

Authors : Dr. Preethi Mohan

Publisher : International journal of sciences and applied research

Preparation Standardization And Clinical Evaluation of Ksharasutra

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Glitters of Ayurveda, Quarterly Medical Journal

Preliminary analytical study of Rasnasapthakam kashayam – An Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation

Authors : Dr. James Chacko, Sivabalaji,, and Ashwini

Publisher : International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products(IJMPNP)

Pharmaceutico – Analytical study of Malla Yoga W.S.R. to its Toxicity study in Rats

Authors : Dr. Vineeth P. K., Rajalakshmi, S.

Publisher : Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal

An Overview on Nidana Panchaka of Atisara(Diarrhoea)

Authors : Dr. Durgalakshmi S.

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

An Overview on Gandhakakalpa and its Rasayana Effect

Authors : Dr. Ramesh N. V., Dr. Arun Mohanan, Dr. Prajeesh Nath E N

Publisher : Paryeshana International Journal of Ayurvedic Research (PIJAR)

An overview of Spinal stenosis and its management

Authors : Dr. Abhaya Kumar Mishra

Publisher : Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal

Nyaya and Its Relevance in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, A. T. Manjusha, Ramadas, P. V., and Mund, J. Shankar

Publisher : GJRMI

Microwave Characterization of Ecosand for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielded Construction

Authors : Sabarish Narayanan B., S. Naveenaa, and Sruthi, S.

Publisher : Applied Mechanics and Materials

Jalapana vidhi-Method of Drinking Water in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Shukla, A

Publisher : Ayurveda Journal of Health

Emerging trends of Genomics: An Ayurvedic Purview

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion (JBSO)

Early Descriptions and Classification of Cancer in the Classical Ayurvedic Texts

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : Indian Journal for History of Science, Indian National Science Academy

Concept of Tantrayukti with Special Emphasis on Pradesa Tantrayukti

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, M. Chandran, Mund, J. Shankar

Publisher : GJRMI

Comparative Evaluation of Specific Phytochemical Indicatives in Cirivilvädi Kaṣāya Prepared Freshly and at commercial Scale

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, A. Mahapatra, Aramya, A. R., Latha, K

Publisher : Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Janu Basti and Janu Pichu with Murivenna in Janu Sandhigata Vata Aamj

Authors : Dr. Raiby P. Paul, Prasanth, D., and Rajashekar, K. N.

Publisher : Anveshana Ayurveda Medical Journal

The Ayurveda concept of Prakrti and the Western construct of personality: A comparative pilot study

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, D. Fave Antonella, Luca, N., Antonio, M., and Marta, B.

Publisher : European Journal of Integrative Medicine (Impact Factor 0.777)

A review on the action of Agnikarma

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Dr. Shaithya Raj, Dr. Rajeshwari P. N., Dr. Athulya; Dr. Lakshmy C. Senan.

Publisher : SJIF

Preparation Standardization And Clinical Evaluation of Ksharasutra(S)

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Glitters of Ayurveda, Quarterly Medical Journal, SN Institutes of Ayurvedic Studies, Puthur, Inaugural Issue.

Potentiality of Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Kerala Calling, Govt of kerala, periodicals, Govt of Kerala .

Open Label Comparative Clinical Trial of Dvipanchamuladi Taila and Ksheerabala Taila Matra Vasti in The Management of Low Back Ache

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Sreedevi, S; Rani Sayed; Kuzhuvelil B Harikumar.

Publisher : International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma , Peer reviewed, Indexed Impact Factor – 0.599.

Manuscriptology Relevance for Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, G, D. Sreeja K., Mund, D. Jayashanka, and Nampoodiri, D. V.

Publisher : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine .

Diagnostic methods of foreign body in Sushruta Samhita: A review

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Lakshmy C Senan; Balaji, S .

Publisher : International Journal of Herbal Medicine , ESELVIER NAAS .

Conventional care of wounded in Susruta Samhita—A Review

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Anuja Nair N; Neelima Sherly John; Suresh, P .

Publisher : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, .

Concept of Vegadharana in View of Prevalence of Diseases in Females

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dr Suramya suresh; Dr Akhilesh Shukla; Dr. Haroon Irshad; Dr.Jaya Shankar Mund .

Publisher : Global journal of research on medicinal plants Indigenous Medicine .

Concept of Amalapitta in Kashyapa Samhita An Appraisal

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, Edwin Kuriakose; Ravindar Korede; Jayashankar Mund .

Publisher : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine .

A Case Study on the Ayurvedic Management of Varicose Vein

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V., S. Rudolph, Prasanth, D

Publisher : Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants Indigenous Medicine

Basics of Manuscriptology

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, Jilby John; Akhilesh Shukla; Viswanathan Nampoodiri; Mund, Jaya Shankar

Publisher : Unique journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicines

Ayurvedic management of first degree cystocele – a case report

Authors : Dr. Parvathy Unnikrishnan

Publisher : Prajnananam Journal of Health Sciences .

Ayurvedic Management of Epilepsy: A single case study

Authors : Dr. Ganesh R., Roshni Anirudhan

Publisher : International journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

Āyurveda’s Contributions to Vegetarian Nutrition in Medicine

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Kessler, C. S.

Publisher : Forschende Komplementärmedizin/Research in Complementary Medicine

Ayurgenomics: The Research facet

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Govt. Ayurveda College

Ayurgenomics: A novel approach in preventing congenital anomalies: A review

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, S. Sreedevi, Sayed, R., Harikumar, K.

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy.

Ancient Considerationson Reconstructive Surgery – A Review

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy.

A survey on the somatovegetative symptoms of menopausal women in a village of kollam district in kerala

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., J. Divya Sreenath; Hemavathi SK; A. Nalinakshan

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research

Spirituality -A Common Thread in Various System of medicine

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dr.Jilby john; Dr.Viswanathan Nampoodiri; Dr.Jaya Shankar Mund

Publisher : Ayurveda Journal of Health

Role of Panchakarma in Post Fracture Rehabilitation a Review

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research

A Review on Ashtadasha Samskara of Parada

Authors : Dr. Dhanya S.

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

A Review Article on Kshetrikarana – Sarira Shodhana in Rasasastra

Authors : Dr. Dhanya S.

Publisher : International Journal of Pharma Research Review (IJPRR)

Pulse Diagnosis: Stages of Formation and Development of Scientific Ideas

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, O. V. Sorokin, Panova, A. S., and Subotyalov, M. A

Publisher : Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Publisher,

Pregnancy in women with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: Report of three pregnancies in a single patient and review of literature.

Authors : Dr. Kadambari P. B., Keepanasseril, Anish; Keerthana, K; Keepanasseril, Arun; Maurya, Dilip K; Sistla, Sharath

Publisher : Obstet Med

Phyto-chemical Profile of Ela(Elettaria cardomomum) – A Review

Authors : Dr. Sreelekshmi M., Nazneen, A Salam; Priya,S; Raiby, P.Paul; Nayana, Raj

Publisher : IJAAM – International Journal of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine

Non Invasive Management of Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation: A Case Report

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, A, Athulya; Mohan, Divya; K Nandan, Karthik; P Das, N

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda Pharmacy

Management of asrgdara through ayurveda– a case report

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V.

Publisher : Prajnananam Journal of Health Sciences

Life style Disease and Ayurveda an Overview and Prospective

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

Evaluation of Charakokta Vedanathapana Dashemani

Authors : Dr. Sreelekshmi M., Priyanka, A. Shine; Vimala, K.S; Priyalatha, B; Nayana, Raj

Publisher : IJAAM – International Journal of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine

Drug Adulteration: A Threat to Efficacy of Ayurveda medicine

Authors : Dr. Sreelekshmi M., Dr. Raiby P. Paul, Dr. Nidhin Chandran, Vimala, K. S.

Publisher : Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies

Controvery in Medicinal Plants: A Review

Authors : Dr. Sreelekshmi M., Dr. Raiby P. Paul, Dr. Nidhin Chandran, Vimala, K.S.

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ)

A Comparative Analytical study of Zinc compounds – Yashada Pushpa and Yashadabhasma with Ayurvedic and Modern Parameters

Authors : Dr. Dhanya S.

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research

Brief review on DantadhavanaDravya according to Brihatrayi

Authors : Dr. Shyamasundaran K.

Publisher : World Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ayurvedic understanding of hirsuitism(atilomata)

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Hemavathi SK; S.R Divya Rani

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Ayurveda Research

Antimicrobial effect of an herbal formulation fumigation on styphalococcus aureus

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : International Journal For Pharmaceutical Research


Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair

Publisher : Amritadarshanam-2017

Vada and Vadamarga – Its utility in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Leena P. Nair, D. Sukanya V. S

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Unique features of an unexplored manuscript- Kashyapa Samhita

Authors : Dr. Shyamasundaran K., Divya Jyothi; Hitesh A Vyas

Publisher : International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

Understanding Sukha and Dukha from Ayurvedic Perspective

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dr. Haroon Irshad, Praneetha Kesavan V., Akhilesh Shukla

Publisher : Aryavaidyan – A Quarterly journal on Ayurveda And Allied Sciences

Understanding hypertension in the light of Ayurveda.

Authors : Dr. Maanasi Madhavan Menon, Dr. Akhilesh Shukla, MenonMaanasi;, Shukla, Akhilesh

Publisher : J Ayurveda Integr Med

Understanding Cancer And Its Integrative Management

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Tantrayukti for the better understanding of Ayurveda classics

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Parvathy J.

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Shastra Jnanopaya – An Overview in Ayurvedic Perspective

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Haritha Vijayan

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

A review on influence of Ahara(Diet) on Mental Health from Ayurvedic Perspective

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair, Manu Madhavan A., Akhilesh Shukla, J. S. Mund, and Ravinder Korede

Publisher : International Journal of Reseach in Ayurveda and Pharmacy

Review of Ayuvedic Strategies to Overcome Nidranasha and Improve Quality of Life

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Thanusree N. Nair; Akhilesh Shukla

Publisher : Journal of clinical and diagnostic research

Review of Ayurvedic strategies to overcome Nidranasha and improve quality of life

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Thanusree N Nair; Akhilesh Shukla; Leena P Nair

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (JCDR)

A Review Article on the Role of Some Metallic and Mineral Drugs in the Management of Diabetes

Authors : Dr. Dhanya S.

Publisher : European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Physiological changes in Pregnancy – An Ayurvedic perspective

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Arya Krishnan; Hemavathi SK

Publisher : International Journal of Current Innovation Research

Nyaya (Maxims) and its Applied Aspect in Charaka Samhita – A Review

Authors : Ramadas P. V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dr. Dhanya Krishnan

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Importance of Tantra Gunas mentioned in Charaka Samhita

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Priyada K. V.

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Importance of Sanskrit language in learning Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Ramadas P. V., Dr. Leena P. Nair, Lekshmi V. R.

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

A glimpse of yonivyapat in relation to vaginitis : A review

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Amritha M. R; Hemavathi SK

Publisher : International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP)

Concept of Tantra Dosha in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Ramadas P. V., Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dr. Lekshmi V R.

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Concept of pathya in preconceptional care: A review

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Aparna S; Hemavathi SK

Publisher : International Journal of Herbal Medicine

Comparitive analysis of Caraka’s Tantrayukti and Vadamarga and its application for logical interpretation of concepts in Samhita-A Review

Authors : Ramadas P. V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dhanya Krishnan, Ravinder Korede

Publisher : Ayushdhara-An International Journal of Research in Ayush & Allied Systems

Chatushka methodology :A unique contribution of Charaka Samhita

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Athira P

Publisher : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Ayurvedic Understanding of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding In Non Gravid Women

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Deepthy S.; Hemavathi SK

Publisher : Asian Journal of Medical and Health Research

Ayurvedic Manuscripts- A review

Authors : Dr. Shyamasundaran K., Divya Jyothi; Deepa KK

Publisher : Ayurpharm IJAAS

Ayurvedic Approach In The Management Of Graves Disease E A Case Study

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Ayurveda in Cancer Care in India: Scope, Challenges, and Suggested Approaches.

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, M. Saheb Gundeti, Bhat, S. G., and Narayanam, S

Publisher : J Altern Complement Med

Ayurveda and female reproductive health

Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Sitharasatheeshan; Hemavathi SK

Publisher : International Journal of Current Advanced Research

Aquasomes: An excellent and promising system for novel drug delivery

Authors : Vishnu Raj, Shefrin, S.; Sreelaxmi, C.S.; Nair, S.C.

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Anti-hypertensive Effect of Moringa Oleiferalam, Leaves Decoction – A Pilot Study

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Senan, L. C., and S, B

Publisher : Global Journal for Research Analysis

Thuvaraka Rasayana Regimen in Psoriasis Vulgaris – A Case Report

Authors : Dr. James Chacko, K. K Kumar

Publisher : J Ayurveda Integr Med

A review on the therapeutic effects of NetiKriya with special reference to JalaNeti.

Authors : Dr. Meera S., M. Vandana Rani; Cijith Sreedhar; Delvin T. Robin

Publisher : J Ayurveda Integr Med

Life Profile of Vaikath Parameswaran Moothath, A Polymath

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Ramadas P. V., Priyada, K V

Publisher : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Effect of a Multimodality ayurveda treatment in a case of Visphota kushta.

Authors : Dr. Aiswarya I. V., Parameswaran Namboothiri; Anandaraman P. V.

Publisher : J Ayurveda Integr Med

A Comprehensive review on the preventive and curative aspects of Vyayama

Authors : Ramadas P. V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Leena P. Nair, M. Muhsina

Publisher : International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

A Conceptual Review on Sheetapitta, Udarda & Kota

Authors : Dr. Durgalakshmi S.

Publisher : Punarnava International Peer reviewed Ayurveda Journal

Conference Paper

Concept of Immunomodulators in Cancer Treatment: An Ayurveda Outlook

Authors : Dr. Prajeesh Nath E N, Dr. Arun Mohanan, Ramesh, NV

Publisher : Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,

Gokshura as a rich source of Aphrodisiac Phytoconstituent Protodioscin : A Literary review

Authors : Dr. Prajeesh Nath E N

Publisher : National Seminar on Management of Infertility in Ayurveda

Bronchial Asthma: A Lifestyle Modification through Ayurveda and Yoga

Authors : Dr. Meera S.

Publisher : Ayurvision – 2016 – National Conference

Review on Wholesome – Unwholesome Food

Authors : Dr. Meera S.

Publisher : Third ANNAM National Food and Biodiversity Festival

Ancient Surgical Approach to Thyroid Disorders With Reference To Galaganda – A Conceptual Report

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : National Academy of Ayurveda (RAV), Rastriya Ayurveda Vidyapeetha Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi

Recent Updates in Panchakarma

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Ayush Doctors Training Program

Panchakarma In Netraroga

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : CME for Ayurveda medical officers at Sreedhareeyam

Cosmetology in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : CME on Cosmetology

Clinical Practice of Panchakarma

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Ayush Doctors Training program

Anantham Ayurvedam

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Introduction to Dealers and Retailers of Amrita Life

Rasayana in Geriatric Practice

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : CME in Geriatrics

Prama and Research

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : ROTP for teachers of Basic Principles,

Madhumeha in Elderly

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : CME in Geriatrics

National Research institute for Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : National Research institute for Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy

Introduction to Panchakarma and Shdvidhopakrama

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Training program on Panchakarma for medical officers of ISM

Demonstartion of Pindasweda

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : World ayurveda Congress at Bhopal

Panchakarma in Shalakya Tantra

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : CME program on Netra chikitsa

Avavahuka – A Clinical Perspective

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : APTA, Ayurveda Bhawan

Ayurgenomic concept on Diabetes Mellitus

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Meha 2014 – National Seminar on Diabetes Mellitus organized by KLEU

Parkinsons disease : An Ayurgenomic approach

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Prajnanam 2015 – National seminar on Neuro Degenerative Diseases organized by Amrita Ayurveda College, Kollam

Relevance of Hatha Yoga in the present era (Poster)

Authors : Dr. Meera S.

Publisher : Vajra 2016 International Ayurveda Conclave .

DNA Methylation analysis correlates environmental influence on extreme vata constituition defined in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Amrita Samyogam 2017 – International Conference on Integrative Ayurveda and Modern Medicine

Standardization & clinical Evaluation of Ksharasutra

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy

Publisher : National Seminar on Medicinal Plant,

Conference Proceedings

An Ayurvedic Approach to the Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Authors : Dr. K. Parameswaran Namboothiri

Publisher : International conference on integrative Ayurveda and modern medicine (2017)

Towards an Adversarial Model for Keystroke Authentication in Embedded Devices

Authors : Dr. Sriram Sankaran, Niranjan Hegde

Publisher : Proceedings of International Symposium

Role of Vakyasha, Vakyarthasha and Arthavayavasha in Understanding Samhita

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad

Publisher : proceedings of National seminar on Role of Sanskrit in the Development and updation of Ayurveda

Physical and Psychological Benefits of Pranayama in Patients Undergoing Lung Cancer Treatment

Authors : Dr. Meera S.

Publisher : Conclave on Cancer Care & Research in AYUSH: Developing a Roadmap

An Adjuvant for Female Infertility

Authors : Dr. Meera S.

Publisher : Prajnanam 2019

Evidence and clinical research for Ayurveda from India

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : European Journal of Integrative Medicine

Comprehensive Study on Madhyashareera W.S.R to Body Mass Index ( BMI)

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair

Publisher : D- Space of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

Satvavajaya Chikitsa-Its role in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad

Publisher : Proceedings of National seminar on Concept of Mind in Nyaya-Vaisheshika and Ayurveda

Relevance of Panchamahabhuta in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. C. Ushakumari, Ramadas P. V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dhanya Krishnan, Dr. Ramdas P. V., Dr. Haroon Irshad

Publisher : Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental vision in Vedas

Panchamahabhuta Siddhanta In Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Dr. C. Ushakumari, Dr. Leena P. Nair, Priyada K. V.

Publisher : Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental vision in Vedas

Contributions of Acharya Charaka in Understanding the concepts of Infertility

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair

Publisher : Prajnanam 2019- A National Seminar on Infertility

Ayurgenomic Concept of Infertility

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Prajnanam 2019- A National Seminar on Infertility

Book Chapter

Concept of Health in Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Antonio Morandi, Narayanan Nambi

Publisher : Springer, Netherlands

Ayurvedic Uses

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Singh, H.P., V.A. Parthasarathy, K. Kandiannan, K.S. Krishnamurthy

Glimpses of the Siddhamantra

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Anthony Ceruli, Karin Preisendanz

Foundations and Applications of Indian Psychology

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar, Matthijs Cornellison, Girishwar Mishra, Suneet Varma, Pearson

Designing a Promotor for a Novel Target Site Identified in Caspases for Initiating Apoptosis in Cancer Cells

Authors : Dr. P. K. Krishnan Namboori, M. S. Kumar, Lainu, K. L., Aghila, V., Purushothaman, D., K Gopal, V., P. K. Krishnan Namboori, and Harishankar, V

Publisher : Springer

Clinical Evidence in the Tradition of Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. P. Rammanohar

Publisher : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Manibhadra Guda – Shodhana Rasayana in Psoriasis

Authors : Dr. Prathibha C. K., D. Ananth Ram Sharma

Publisher : Best Practices in Panchakarma by Group of Authers

Shabda Pramana In Nyaya Darshana and its Relevance In Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran

Publisher : Nyayadarshanan as an undercurrent in Indian Literature

An outlook on principles of Nyaya Darshana in relation to Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Leena P. Nair

Publisher : Nyayadarshanan as an undercurrent in Indian Literature -Edited by Dr. Lakshmi Vijayan V. T.

Importance of Panchavayava Vaakya In Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haroon Irshad, Dr. Haritha Chandran, Ramadas P. V., Dr. Leena P. Nair, Dhanya Krishnan

Publisher : Nyayadarshanan as an undercurrent in Indian Literature

Critical Analysis of Panchavayava Vakya in view of Nyaya Darshana angd Ayurveda

Authors : Dr. Haritha Chandran, Ramadas P. V., Dr. Leena P. Nair, Priyada K. V.

Publisher : Nyayadarshanan as an undercurrent in Indian Literature

Magazine Article

Uramarunnu: A Wonder Drug

Authors : Dr. Meera S.

Publisher : Amritavabodhini

Watch your Food

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Ayurveda and Health Tourism (English and German)

End to an ordeal

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Ayurveda and Health Tourism (English and German)

Eat Right

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : Ayurveda and Health Tourism (English and German)

Tulasi mahathmyam

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Viswavedi Magazine

Kashayavum Preservativukalum

Authors : Dr. Anandaraman Sharma P. V.

Publisher : ayurarogyam- arogya Masika.

Upavasathinte vazhikal

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Viswavedi Magazine

Prasavasrushusha Ayurvedathil

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Viswavedi Magazine

An approach to Hyper tension

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Amritakshari

Amithavannam Ayurvedathil

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Viswavedi Magazine

Updating Dinacharya and Ritucharya in Current Lifestyle

Authors : Dr. Rabinarayan Tripathy, Sreedevi, S., and Otta, S. P

Publisher : Ayurveda And All

Narayaneeyam Vaidyadrishtiyil

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Amritakshari

Narayaneeyam vaidhyadrishtiyil

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Viswavedi

Mukhakanthi Vardhippikkan Chilamargangal

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Viswavedi local magazine

Narayaneeyam Vaidyadrishtiyil

Authors : Dr. Dhanya K. V.

Publisher : Narayaneeyam Vaidyadrishtiyil


Newspaper Article

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